When people were tasting breakfast, they were all stunned.

Because of the scene in the picture.

It was something they had never thought of in their entire lives.

"Hey...what is that???"

"Why are there so many soldiers? They are so densely packed that they must number in the millions, right?"

"So many soldiers, no... they are undead!!!"

When the angle of view is zoomed in.

Everyone saw the seriousness of the matter.

Those large numbers of soldiers were all undead! ! !

Not only that, it exists like a mountain.

There are so many more... Just looking at them gives people infinite pressure.

Moreover, compared to the previous video releases, this video is undoubtedly more shocking.

in the screen.

The enemy is well disciplined.

There are them in every ethnic group.

Not just the undead.

Similar to the Witherwood Royal Family.

And those shadow hunters.

There are even many unspeakable monsters that look terrifying.

How scary is the number one million?

Although Liyue Port is prosperous now, it only has a population of 2.8 million.

So this number of one million.

It's really terrible.

In the past, people always felt that war was very far away.

Now I finally understand that the war is right in front of me.

He even said that if it weren’t for Mr. Su Han’s investigation.

They also didn't know that the crisis in the Dead Realm was more terrifying than imagined.

Inside the TV station.

Xiaogong said with a serious expression: "The picture you see is the result of Mondstadt's Wind God, Lord Barbatos, using secret techniques to detect...

As you can see.

Xumi's invasion was nothing more than a small fight.

Here is the real crisis.

The huge magic circle is basically certain to be able to tear apart the barrier between the two worlds.

The battle is about to break out..."

This is not alarmist.

But it’s a picture that everyone sees.

Once a war breaks out.

I'm afraid it's dangerous.

Inside the city.

Countless people have sad faces and have just gained a peaceful life.

Now we are facing another hardship.

So desperate.

On the TV station, Xiao Gong said: "Don't worry too much, we will snipe the enemy in the desert... There are still a few days before the celebration.

We have enough time to win the war!

And, now we hope that those who are able will try to help us... now that they can enter Sumeru.

Then we can also choose to fight back!

At noon today, the first advance team will enter the Dead Zone for hunting.

Please look forward to it..."

In the city where the Xumi Temple is located.

People looked shocked.

Fight back?

Can this really be done?

Moreover, what should we do with those millions of enemies?

Everyone was confused.

And some people began to say: "We can't let these guys do evil... I'm going to sign up. I always said that I can't change the country.

(bcfe) Now the opportunity has come.

Do you still have to retreat? "

"You're right...you should learn from it and serve the country. Even Lord Su Han has tried so hard. Do we still want to be a coward?"

One student after another.

Want to join the fight.

However, when they arrived at the registration location, they received news.

Their job is simply to guard the rainforest.

Because of the lack of combat effectiveness.

So there is no way to go to the front line.

However, everyone is also self-aware.

As long as you can protect your country.

On the other side, many people are ready to fight.

In front of the first crack.

Poison Emperor Huandu Qingtian chuckled and said: "Dead Realm? There must be many interesting poisons in it... The old man is willing to be the vanguard... I want to see how powerful my Gu is.

Those dead bodies are still more powerful..."

Many people were standing near him.

A large number of black blade soldiers, as well as people from the Arcane Throne.

In front of the second crack.

Baguio, Shuiyue, Lu Xueqi, Li Yingqi and Lian Xing were all among them.

"When a battle breaks out, remember to protect yourself first and be careful not to let the death energy swallow up too much life..."

"Well, I understand, Master."

Shuiyue nodded, then looked at Baguio, and whispered: "Little witch...you should also be careful not to stay too far away from us. There are many monsters in the Dead Realm...

It is better for everyone to act together. "

"I see..."

Although everyone was hostile before.

But after coming to a strange world.

Baguio and their master and apprentice have slowly established a relationship.

There is no tit-for-tat as before.

In front of the third crack.

Liu'er, Tushan Honghong and countless Tushan demon clan are all here.

"After receiving the order later, we will hunt down those guys quickly without mercy..."


"Also, don't push in too much! Just put enough pressure..."

"Yes, Master..."

Watching the clansmen prepare for battle.

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