Bricks with slight cracks will be replaced with brand new ones.

It's just that the craftsman's workmanship is not very good.

Therefore, some bricks appear to be bumpy and unattractive.

Su Han came inside.

There is only one statue here.

Originally he thought it was two seats, but the result was unexpected.

In addition to the stone statues carved in stone, there is a bed made of wood, and near the wall is a bookshelf.

Bring it over and check it out.

It is filled with Xumi’s ancient writings.

Fortunately he had a translator.

Don't worry about not understanding it at all.

Tinari took the book and said with a smile: "This is the history of the Scarlet King... It says that after leaving the cruel Scarlet King, he followed that person to live in seclusion here.

He seemed to be in a very good mood at the time.

Not even going back to the rainforest.

I plan to carve out a small place in the desert..."

"But... things went against expectations. Although the Scarlet King and the Great Merciful Tree King let her go, the other remaining demon gods would not let her go... Is my guess right?"

Tinari was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said: "Yes... After three days of hard fighting, the Red King was attacked by a certain demon, and finally fell to the ground due to exhaustion.

And the enemy was killed.

In order to save her...that partner left this place and never came back.

After a period of time, the Red King gave birth to an heir.

Before he could speak, he was already dead.

And this Aru Village oasis is her last legacy..."

History has always been like this.

After leaving the Scarlet King, in fact, the Scarlet King at that period was already at the end of its strength and was not in its heyday.

There were many people staring at her.

The Scarlet King's men did not attack.

However, there are other forces in the desert.

The Red King fell to the enemy's attack.

The two worked together to kill the enemy.

But in the end, one died in a foreign country in search of medicine, and the other stayed behind and died in the end.

At this time, Tinari sighed: "Master Su Han, tell me... is there someone behind the scenes in our world? Why are all the demons dead...

Is it to make the world a more complete place? "

faced his questions.

Keli raised her head and said, "I think you are right, Mr. Tinari... The elemental power controlled by the demon is too powerful. If it continues to destroy the world.

No one will be happy...but after they die, there will be resentment.

In fact, it is also good for the earth veins..."

"Hey... Keli, how do you know..."

"Hehe... Of course I told her, otherwise who else could it be?"

Paimon flew in from outside.

She didn't know how to set up a magic circle, so she came to play with Yingmei, Keli and others.

Anyway, I can go back today.

Just run over here and treat it as a walk.

And Yingmei said: "I also feel that there are external forces influencing...The Demon God War is very problematic, but...if we follow the prehistoric period you mentioned, Brother Su Han.

In fact, Teyvat is also heading in that direction, right?

After the Demon War.

And Canrea...

A large number of gods died, and their bodies became the nourishment of the world.

Leylines are also relatively calm.

The demons are naturally miserable, but humans survive... I'm right, right?" "

Su Han nodded and said: "Yes... Actually, I am also studying the world of Teyvat... Why are there so many wars, or what are the battles, and what is the truth of this world..."

"So what's your outcome?"

Paimon asked with a smile.

Inside the big dripping eyes.

There is a hint of expectation hidden inside.

"No matter what the world is like, I have taken root here. Now I have a wife...and many bonds that I can no longer leave.

In this case, I naturally want to run this big family well.

I will have children in the future.

As for the words of the devil... If they are willing to listen to me, let them live freely. If not, then I will send them to the west...

Anyone who stands in my way will perish. "

He has his own ambitions.

Maybe in the beginning, I just had the mentality of living well, eating and waiting to die.

But it’s been so long.

Su Han's heart has long since changed.

He wants to build his home well.

No matter how the world becomes, he will fix it bit by bit.

Until it becomes a happy home.

At this time Candice came from outside.

Listening to their conversation, he was shocked and said: "Are you the magical Lord Su Han? The existence that defeated the Scarlet King... Oh my god, is it true..."

"you know me?"

"I don't know you, but those passers-by spread the news about you. By the don't want us to leave when you come here, I'm sorry...

This is my mother's home.

I won't leave. "

Candice said very decisively.

And willing to pay everything for it.

Su Han shook his head and said: "You don't understand... The army of the undead is underground in Xumi, numbering in the millions. You want all the people to perish...

Or are you willing to leave with your inheritance?

Remember...people are priceless.

Everything has its own value..."

Confront his words.

Candice was shocked and said: "An army of the undead?"

"Yes, you will understand when you come over and take a look..."

Paimon took out a telephone bug from his treasure bag.

Played the image.

Candice was shocked when she saw countless undead creatures.

But at this time something even more shocking happened to her.

"Little girl, pay attention to your words... I have not been killed..."

Candice looked at the red-haired woman.

At this time, I finally thought about why I felt familiar when I saw the other person.

That was clearly passed down in memory.

Mom's clip to herself.

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