red hair.

Just like the majestic devouring power of the ocean.

Those ruby-like eyes were brighter than the sun.

This is the Scarlet King!

" Scarlet..."

Follow-up words.

Candice had no way to send it out.

Because Su Han was banned.

For a moment, his voice came from behind Candice.

"She was just joking. The Scarlet King has perished. That is a well-known thing. Now this is Pandora, the goddess of misfortune with the power of blood.

Am I right? "

"Tch...boring...I went outside to play, you guys can chat..."

Originally, I wanted to see the little girl's shocked expression.

Now, it's getting really boring.

Shock after shock.

Candice didn't know what to do.

At this time, an old man from Aru Village slowly walked over.

The other person was on crutches.

The pace is very slow.

When the Scarlet King is seen.

The cloudy eyes were full of shock.

"My you still alive?"

"Oh? Isn't this a vulture... Why... you're not dead yet. You look almost worn out. Well... I guess three years is the limit..."

An old subordinate of the former reconnaissance force.


His strength is that of an immortal.

However, it is not well maintained.

It may also be that too much energy was spent resisting the enemy before.

In short, it is almost dead.

".¨Grandpa Vulture...are you okay?"

Looking at the old man kneeling on the ground, Candice ran over quickly.

The vulture shook his head and said: "I'm fine... I'm fine... It's great to see His Majesty..."

"What the hell, you got the wrong person..."

Pandora turned and left.

He didn't want to talk to such a subordinate who betrayed him.

And Candice asked: "Grandpa, were you really this person's subordinate back then?"

"Yes...but, my strength was too weak...and my fighting power was not strong enough, so I simply left with you. Unexpectedly...His Majesty was sealed or even destroyed.

Surprisingly, it didn’t perish... Sigh, back then... it’s really hard to describe. "

To be weak is a sin.

If they are strong enough.

You won't be attacked and killed.

What a pity.

Later, under the persuasion of the old man, Arucun chose to leave.

Instead of protecting their homeland.

It's better to avoid it.

The power of the undead army is too strong.

Even the man who "killed" His Majesty came to persuade him.

It’s already given enough face.

If you don't leave, you may die.

"But...what about this green space that my mother created with her life?"

Candice looked at the village that had lived for hundreds of years, her eyes filled with tears... This is her mother's last legacy, once she leaves.

She had nothing left.

The old vulture sighed: "When it comes to giving up, we will give up... We can come back when the battle is over..."

"But, is it true?"

Candice didn't believe it.

Because the arrival of Su Han and others actually represents a signal.

Sumeru will be unified.

Although she reads very little.

But he has a thorough understanding of people's hearts.

The other party is a very ambitious person.

It's definitely not a casual personality.

At this time, Paimeng flew over and said: "As for the oasis, you can let Su Han cast a spell to take it away. Just dig this area away."

"Poach away?"

"Hmm, we in Liyue have a very magical treasure called the Chensong Pot... The largest one can fit a huge island into it. A small village like yours...

Are you sure there's no problem?

Believe me, you can fit it in... If you are reluctant to leave, just in case there are other undead strongholds in the desert.

You won’t be able to resist it when the time comes…”

Paimon's words made Candice very interested.

She asked about many things.

This includes the use of the Chensong Pot and the future destination.

Paimon pursed his lips and explained: "If you are worried about being bullied, why not work hard to become stronger? Those Gilded Brigades are now serving us and living a very good life..." Thing.

Chapter 603 Candice VS Yingmei, the dispute in front of the huge altar

People always have to change.

Obviously yesterday I was still thinking about how to better protect the villagers.

But today, he has to leave with his clan members.

Lots of dirt and woods.

Constant roar.

As Aru Village flew up, a huge vortex appeared, sucking everything in.

Except for a huge desert pit, the original place was empty.

There is nothing left.

Candice knelt on the yellow sand, held up a handful of sand, and murmured to herself: "Mother... I must leave for the sake of the lives of my people.

If one day, I will come back..."

She stood up slowly and walked away.

Watch Candice return.

Su Han smiled and suggested: "Have you ever considered joining Xumi's regiment? Your strength is very powerful...if you use it well.

Yellow sand will also become the sharpest weapon. "

"Oh? Isn't my attack enough..."

Candice spoke.

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