A yellow sand soldier appeared next to her, but in fact she could only create up to five yellow sand soldiers, which was her limit.

At this time, Paimon, who was sitting on Su Han's shoulder, said: "Your Yellow Sand is too weak... Only charging forward is not enough. It is obviously the most special attack...

But it can only do this.

By the way...you are of the water element, right? "

"Well, I have the Eye of God with the water element, so...how should I change?"

Her strength has always been there.

All are proud of.

Now hear what Paimon has to say.

It seems that it can become stronger.

However, it is precisely because Candice has no contact with the outside world.

So I don't know how to change it.

Paimon chuckled and said, "Ying... show it to her, I remember you can master it..."



Yingmei nodded.

A golden light appears in the hand.

Countless pieces of yellow sand flew up from the ground.

She has the power to manipulate all attributes.

For yellow sand.

Essentially the element of earth.

Nature can be manipulated freely.

With Su Han's reminder, Yingmei's understanding of power is very good.

The yellow sand keeps changing in his hands.

Then the whole ground shook, and the yellow sand turned into a sandstorm!

Use fool's techniques.

Yingmei mostly watches Gaara's battles, followed by the mastery of elemental power.

"Come... fight me with your yellow sand soldiers!"

While talking.

Yingmei's sand turned from a sandstorm into a soldier.

Same power.

Will it make any difference?

Candice's eyes narrowed.

The five soldiers attacked each other.

And the other party also burst out with strength.

Both sides attacked at the same time.

However, Candice's soldiers were easily defeated.

"How is this possible...how can my soldiers be so weak?"

She couldn't believe her eyes.

But it is true.

The strange-colored eyes were full of shock.

This is a power that Candice has never been exposed to.

So, are all the people around Su Han so powerful?

Paimon said proudly: "Hehe... did you see it? Miss Candice... this power is called domineering, of course... Ying's power is not limited to that.

The real power lies in her ability to transform yellow sand into power.

It can also constantly change its enemies.

Your fighting style is too rigid. "

"That's true..."

Watch the yellow sand change in the air like a toy.

Candice couldn't help but nod.

(bcfe) Mainly because she has less contact.

Therefore, she still maintains her own understanding of combat, unlike Yingmei at all.

Now even elementalization can be simulated.

It's very strange to say this.

There is no power of fruit.

Yingmei can actually simulate elementalization with her strength.

Of course, using power is one thing, but the power consumed to achieve elementalization is hundreds of powers of the person who possesses the fruit.

In other words, Xiangling can be elementally transformed at will.

It would take Yingmei about three times the strength to do it.

"By the way... Excuse me, if the undead army has millions, how will you deal with it? Do you need my help..."

Although he knew that the Scarlet King was not dead.

But Candice also understands.

The other party must have paid a heavy price.

The strength is definitely not as good as the one that broke out not long ago.

Ask her to deal with those enemies.

Probably not.

Since, people are kind enough to help me.

Well, Candice wants to repay them too!

Su Han smiled and said: "It's just a million...there's nothing to be embarrassed about in front of me, they will only become nourishment..."

"Are you so powerful?"

"Then do you want to come and watch the game? You will probably show up in the next few days..."

"Of course I will come. If...you can't stop me, I will join the war...I will never let the enemy harm my people..."

Candice holds a spear.

The expression is very solemn.

Paimon said with a smile: "Oh... don't worry, Su Han is very powerful. You will know when the battle starts... Okay, let's go back.

Would you like to have a scorpion feast today?

The scorpion meat I had eaten before was even sweeter than shrimp meat..."

Because I often live in the desert these days.

Xiang Ling was also researching what to eat until she discovered something called [Black Pincer Scorpion], and then she started cooking.

That scorpion is about the size of a lobster.

The tail is highly venomous.

However, this is only for ordinary people.

For Xiang Ling, one tap and the scorpion is dead.

After she did it for the first time.

Everyone is still somewhat resistant.

Until after tasting it once.

He was immediately regarded as a heavenly being.

Because it tastes so good.

Paimon now has about ten bags of black-clawed scorpion snacks in his hands. At the same time, Albedo is conducting experiments on making black-clawed scorpions non-toxic.

All scorpions cultured in the future will be non-venomous.


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