"Speaking of which, this person is from the fleet. I didn't expect him to be such a playboy, tsk tsk... But, daring to provoke Ying'er is too powerful.

From what Su Han said...he was even afraid of Ying'er. "

"Not only...his mouth is more powerful than that of a negotiator."

"But it's really fanciful to want to compete with Su Han... Su Han can repair the world's barriers. He has no idea that his current job is given by Su Han."

"Okay... let's not look at this kind of thing. Let's participate in today's blind box competition. I heard that if you guess it, you can eat candies of various flavors..."

"Uh... I'm going, I'm going... I want to eat sunflower flavored ones."

"Hehe... I think you can taste slime!"

"You are clearly trying to make me angry..."

The two kept arguing.

And the atmosphere in the city is getting more and more heated.

But, keep walking.

Ying Mei found a familiar figure.

Wendy was supposed to help with construction in Xumi City.

Now he is selling barbecue while wearing a weird hat.

"Hey...Wendy, why are you setting up a stall again..."

"Hey? It turns out it's you... I've all drank up the wine lately, so as you can see... I can only go out and set up a stall, but the business is so good.

Because in Xumi City, there are very few people roasting mutton.

I'm very busy here... Do you want to come work? You will be paid a thousand molahs every day. "

"What? So many! Ying... let's help."


The girl has black lines all over her head.

We agreed to go out for fun, but how did we become a master of kebabs?

However, let’s play together when we are free.

· ··Asking for flowers····· ····

have to say.

Wendy's sales methods are really amazing.

The freshly baked mutton skewers are blown directly through the cool breeze to the entire street.

After everyone smells the smell.

They all ran over.

As for Yingmei and Paimon, they were so busy making meat skewers that they almost ran out of supplies.

Basically, they are sold out as soon as they are baked.

"Ugh... I can't do it anymore... Stinky Wendy, I won't do it even for two thousand molas... Why am I so tired? My fingers are sore."

"Haha... business is so booming, let's do this... I'll recruit some people, so that the work will be easier..."

Eventually, Wendy hired some kids who had nothing to do.

Just by wearing meat skewers, you can get fifty moras.

........ ....... 0

This was a great surprise for the children.

And work becomes easier as a result.

However, before Paimon and Yingmei set off again, they met an acquaintance.


The other party led the rangers who had just returned from outside.

Because he knows her life experience.

And the other person’s strong heart.

Therefore, Kelai became a heroic figure in Xumi.

Although she is still a little shy.

"Hey...Ke Lai, come over for barbecue...We're treating you!"

"Hey...Paimon and Ying...shouldn't you be in the Rift World? Why are you back...Is everything okay over there?"

"Well, Su Han said he wanted us to come back. After all, it's a celebration... As for the Dead Realm, I think there should be no problem. I heard that there are many people who want to make contributions.

They are starting to go deep into the hinterland, and it is estimated that they will be solved soon..."

There are many people who want to change their lives by relying on points.

Although the journey is dangerous.

However, if you can persist.

You can get a lot of points and even great jobs.

Especially people from another world.

I want to prove myself even more.

Therefore, there is no shortage of manpower in the Dead Zone.

Kelai took a bite of the barbecue, his eyes lit up, and he said with a smile: "It's really delicious... But let me lead the team back first, I will come to you later...

Today I will make snacks for you with my own hands. "


Paimon danced happily.

Because she got a snack made by Cole.

A kind of pie that is very delicious.

Chapter 630 The fact of Kanria’s demise, observations from Sky Island Tenri

Sumeru's duel match continues.

However, everyone's focus is on the Dead Realm.

Su Han, on the other hand, is dealing with the problem of cracks.

Smelting the void spirit cornerstone.

Repair damaged fissures.

How many places are there in Sumeru?

In fact... there are so many, especially those close to the Hengnarana area, they are even bigger.

Basically the ground has been completely damaged.

Extensive restoration is required.

Busy morning.

The lovely Lanaro came to Su Han with some fruits.

"Sir, thank you for your hard work..."

"It's really hard work..."

The elves came out of their dreams one after another and offered their thanks to the adult.

In fact, after the elves of the World Tree were born.

Su Han had already dispatched it.

Once the two parties come into contact.

Very friendly.

"890" Even became friends.

Therefore, Lanaro was not too scared to see anyone like in the plot.

Su Han sat on the stone and said with a smile: "You're welcome... After all, this is the country of my friends. By the way... How is your life now?"

"Hmm... it's very good. Many children are willing to communicate with us, and... some adults also like us very much. Mr. Tinari even called us: the elves of hope..."

The Lannaros were very happy.


be protected.

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