Be praised.

Protect the rainforest.

This is their mission and expectation.

The soil nearby had been infected by the dead zone.

However, with Su Han's restoration, the black gas has been cut off, and with the busyness of the Xumi people, brand new crops have been planted here.

Green replaced red and black.

Very happy to see the elves.

Su Han nodded and said: "The rain forest will be left to you from now on... If you need help, you can use the phone bug to communicate it to the Sumeru people... they are now.

They are no longer the same people they once were.

Can hear the call of the forest..."


The elves cheered.

Leaving jumping up and down.

Keli and Matou Sakura went to play with the elves.

There were bouncing mushrooms and various beautiful flowers nearby, and the few little lolita soon showed their chirping smiles.

Makes kids happy.

In fact, Lanaro will also be happy.

Su Han rested for a while and continued his repair work.

However, Nasita and Kaguya Otsutsuki came over to help in the middle of the process.

"Why are you here? The celebration in the city is bustling, why don't you join..."

"I can't keep you busy. You and Kaguya repair the space, and I'll smelt the void spirit foundation stone!!!"

Hear Nacida's words.

Princess Kaguya said calmly: "I don't like that kind of noisy things... I'm bored at home, so why not go out for a walk..."

"Okay then, the three of us will work hard in this open grassland."

Su Han saw someone helping.

Naturally, I am happy and relaxed.

While she was busy, Nasida said: "There are still many Kanria machines in Sumeru, but they are all old... Have you considered turning them into combat effectiveness?"

"You're talking about the Kanreia robot near the Demonic Mountains. I'm not interested... That kind of machinery requires too much power source. It's not necessary at all.

What I care more about is that human beings continue to grow stronger. "

Su Han's answer surprised Nasida.

Although the other party has the ambition to conquer the world.

But he never touches the bottom line.

Otsutsuki Kaguya was stunned for a moment and asked: "Are you talking about the huge robot in the Sumeru Adventure Notes? The one with the body buried in the mountain..."

"Well, there was a remnant from the great war. Although it was a little damaged, if it could be repaired, it would be a guy that could fight.

However, if Su Han doesn't want it.

Just let it continue to sleep..."

At this time, Mona, who was so bored that she was in a daze, asked: "So when the battle between Kanrea and the Seven Gods took place, did the Seven Gods pay a heavy price? After all...

At that time, robots were mass-produced. "

"That's not right... The machines that the Seven Gods faced when they came to Kanrea were far more terrifying than the ones on the mountain. The real robots in Kanrea were the prototypes of the gods.

The individual is the same size as a human being.

But the combat effectiveness is very amazing.

It is precisely because of this that the Great Ci Tree King and the True Sister of Thunder will perish... However, this battle also angered Mr. Morax.

I only saw countless rock guns falling like rain curtains...

Each rock gun is as big as a mountain...there are almost more than 8,000 of them!

Then all the robots were almost destroyed...and Mr. Wendy set off a huge tsunami that directly submerged half of the continent..."

Listen to the story of the little grass god.

Su Han's head is filled with dark streaks, and his relationship is ultimately the end of everything for the God of War.

"Then...why did Kanria perish? Was it because it touched the abyss..."

"Yes... the mechanical power core of Kanria is the power of chaos... and this power is absorbed from the void, just like the power of the witch...

Full of danger and horror.

So the mass production of that kind of prototype, I feel, is also a factor that leads to destruction.

What I admire most about Su Han is that he understands the boundaries of heavenly principles. If he doesn't touch that kind of Kanreia machine, he won't actually be targeted.

I have a feeling that actually... heaven is watching over us.

However, no one noticed it..."

Su Han was stunned when he heard this, then raised his head to look at the illusory Sky Island.

Do you really know how to observe yourself?

think carefully.

I seem to have really done a lot of things.

If the other party pays attention.

Maybe he has been observing himself for a long time.

However, with his current strength, he should not be afraid of the other party.

Has a heavenly lock.

There are also several fairy swords, plus the Xuanyuan Holy Sword.

It should be invincible.

After thinking about it this way, I finally felt a lot more at peace.

Continue to focus on the current matter from 5.4.


And in the island in the sky and sea of ​​clouds.

A woman with some silver hair was standing on the edge of the island, staring at everything below.

A water mirror appeared in front of her.

Inside were Su Han and others.

Tianli watched for a long time, and finally the water mirror turned into smoke and dissipated.

And she turned around and returned to the palace.

Although everything on the road is beautiful, it seems extremely false.

It's like a flower in the mirror and a moon in the water.

After Tianli arrived at the throne, he slowly fell into sleep, as if his body was very tired.

If you look carefully.

It is not difficult to find that Tianli's lower body has been shrouded in darkness, and only the waist above is milky white armor.

And just now in her eyes.

It has a hint of blood red.

Chapter 631 The leisurely daily life of a family of four, the cuteness of Tohsaka Sakura and Tohsaka Rin

One day rift repaired.

Su Han was so tired that his whole body felt numb.

In the evening, let Dan Fox come to the hot spring for a massage.

But he didn't expect that the person giving him a massage today would be... Chancheng Kui?

Because it consumes too much power.

When Su Han entered the hot spring, he felt a little dazed and his perception was greatly reduced.

Therefore, we don't know who is coming.

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