The weapon lights up.

Three ice and snow wolf souls appeared around him.

Su Han looked surprised, because Xingqiu's speed and move power had increased by 30%.

It's not just that.

His body is light.

Without any weight.

But the destructive power of the moves has been greatly improved.

This is very interesting.

"Totosai, is this your research?"

"Hehe... Yes, sir, soul breathing... hence the name, it is an imitation of the Zanpakutō. It is mainly used to cultivate the soul and form a tacit understanding with oneself.

The difficulty with this is finding a soul.

Destroy his sanity.

Then slowly develop a tacit understanding with yourself.

In this way, the weapon has... a lot of attributes, including shadow type... fire type... gravity type.

Every weapon is different.

Moreover, these soul weapons are no longer consumables.

Instead, it absorbs the power in the air.

It begins to explode with power. If you embed crystals with corresponding attributes... the strength will be even more terrifying! "

As he spoke, Xingqiu put an ice-attributed crystal into it.

The long sword in his hand was directly dyed with a layer of blue light.

A faint blue light flickered.

The three wolves also began to grow in size.

Combat effectiveness increased again.

Su Han smiled and said: "Not bad... really good... It seems that you are becoming more and more useful. I will continue to work hard in the future... and I will reward you with a dragon blood elixir."

Go down..."

"Thank you, sir..."

Hear about dragon blood elixir.

Totosai's eyes lit up with a glimmer of light.

The price of this elixir is five hundred points.

It is a treasured item.

Rumor has it that it comes from the blood of the black dragon.

Extremely difficult to obtain.

Once, a fox inside Inazuma used the elixir.

His strength tripled overnight.

And directly transformed into a sky fox.

Although the tail is black, its strength is terrifying.

There are brand new weapons.

The soldiers' combat effectiveness will be stronger.

The reason why Su Han came back was not because of Toto Zhai, but for other reasons.

Come to Qunyu Pavilion.

Abedo, who had been waiting for a long time, smiled.

".grown ups..."

"Well, how about research?"

"Please come with me... This observation is very shocking, and the research direction you gave me before... finally has the answer."

"Oh? Come on...let's go take a look."

Arrive at the top of Qunyu Pavilion.

A 3D picture is displayed in the room.

This is the entire continent of Teyvat.

In the past month, Abedo has not shown up, but has traveled to various places to investigate things.

Now there is finally a result.

"According to your guess, sir...the abyss is indeed constantly invading Teyvat, and...the previous dark beasts are just one of the forces.

Not long ago, you and everyone speculated.

It has been confirmed...

The world of Teyvat (Qiannuo) is an upside-down world.

The World Tree is protecting us, but... because the power of the abyss is too strong, the World Tree is currently unable to withstand it... Therefore, the disaster five hundred years ago.

It's not so much Kanria that's causing it.


"Is it right for heaven to release it?"

Abedo nodded and said: "You guessed it very correctly... The external power is getting stronger and stronger, relying on the protective network established by sacrificing the demon god.

It has been permeating continuously.

Ancient ruins of the Strata Abyss.

Such is the case with hanging creatures.

Now after a lot of research and speculation by scholars.

We finally cast our sights into the abyss... and all three observation points raised questions.

[Layer Rock Juyuanxian]

【Yuanxia Palace】

【Dead Zone】.

Among these three places...the Dead Zone has actually been eroded by the abyss. The reason for wanting to return to Teyvat is that their borders...are constantly being dissolved. ”.

Chapter 633 The spy of the abyss world, everything outside the world is an abyss

"It's true...the borders have been corroded!"

Su Han nodded.

Show that you understand.

Before, he was guessing why the Dead Domain was attacking so crazily.

It's almost a life-threatening act.

Now we have the answer.

The outer layer of the Dead Realm is actually the abyss.

A question arises here.

What is the abyss?

Is it a place?

Or...generally refers to a world.

Actually, it's neither...the abyss is a force.

The place where Dadalia went before was an area infected by the abyss.

That is, somewhere in the cracks of the world.

It is not the real power of the abyss.

Su Han asked Abedo to monitor...actually to see what the current situation of the abyss was.

The results were as expected.

The abyss is eating away at the entire world.

The Dead Realm is also oppressed by it.

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