They chose to attack the world of Teyvat because they wanted to devour it and survive.

It's a pity that Su Han's last stand was completely destroyed.

But now the Dead Realm is leaderless, and a large number of altars have been dismantled.

The power of invading Sumeru has also been reduced countless times, even if there is no need to repair the space.

The breath of the dead realm no longer threatens the rainforest.

890 "Sir, this is a picture taken by surveillance... Please see a total of six areas... all eroded by the abyss. Compare the invading power of the Dead Zone.

The abyss is as you say.

It's chaos and disaster.

Even the races in the Dead Realm cannot resist this power..."

Follow Albedo's gaze.

A dark purple area.

Appeared in front of Su Han.

The earth and the mountains.

They all seemed to be breathing.

Deep purple...and even leaning towards darkness in some places.

And the creatures nearby.

Very manic.

They even kill each other.

Su Han frowned and said, "Has it already reached this point?"

"Yes, sir...according to what Mr. Dadalia said, the time flow rate in the abyss, it should be said...the time flow rate in the rift world.

About one month is equivalent to one day on the surface.

Very long!

And the real abyss... I'm afraid it also has the power to interfere with time... However, it has not been tested yet.

Therefore, there is no correct conclusion yet..."

Abedo said with some regret.

If there is more data it can be studied.


That's wonderful.

Su Han nodded and said: "Well...that's true, but...the detector doesn't just capture these, right?"

"Yes...there are other videos."

Soon, Abedo recorded all the surveillance videos.

All played out.

The first video is the video of Yuanxia Palace.

The space has been restored.

However, the detector can still be thrown out of some ultra-small cracks.

Cold machinery.

Even if there is no life.

Signal flow can also be disrupted.

But even so, some "wonderful" scenes were captured.

In the waves of the abyss.

Various monsters emerge in endlessly.

Outside the Abyss Palace, everything is filled with abyss monsters.

The Beastland Hound is only the smallest species among them. There are endless existences similar to mountains.

We even saw a giant whale that looked like an island.

Wandering in that purple-red wave.

Although Albedo has watched the scene many times, it still feels creepy when I watch it again.

Such monsters are probably close to the power of the devil.

However, their level of intelligence is very low.

So, just living by instinct.

The scene was soon interrupted as a beam of light burst out, although the detector dodged it.

However, hundreds of purple-like void fish attacked.

Directly destroy the detector completely.

The second video is from under the giant rock abyss.

However, this place is not like Yuanxia Palace.

It was the gathering of countless monsters.

This place is more about the soul.

So there is very little interference.

However, as the detector continues to penetrate deeper, the true face of this area is also revealed.

Through the dark fog.

There are a large number of irregular monsters.

Their bodies have a strange core, similar to a power furnace, and they look like mechanical life.

But it is very cruel.

Because they will continue to fight.

The winner will devour the loser.

Similar to the setting of the weak and the strong.

Su Han looked at the core of the mechanical life and said in surprise: "So...Kanria's original power source was obtained from the abyss?"

"Yes...and they don't just get it from one place. They are found in various places...It's equivalent to digging holes everywhere, which ultimately leads to destruction!"

Talk about it.

A dim look appeared on Abedo's face.

"My teacher used to be engaged in various researches, but unfortunately...she has disappeared for a long time..."

For Albedo.

Reindot was a very strict mother, but... it was precisely because of the other person's existence.

Only then did he gain life.

So, now Albedo.

In addition to engaging in various researches, he is also looking for the existence of the great alchemist Reindot.

It's a pity that the other party has disappeared for a long time.

Couldn't find it at all.

"Do you suspect that she went to the abyss?"

"Hmm... maybe, Master, she once felt very regretful for a while. Why did she provoke the dark beast and cause the whole world to fall into war?

I didn't understand it at that time.

Unfortunately, I want to find it now.

But it has been very difficult..."

The face of a genius alchemist.

There was a touch of regret and sigh.

If only I could have helped Teacher Reindot in the first place.

However, after a lot of research and exploration.

Albedo discovered many traces of Reindot.

There are various signs.

The other party finally went to the abyss.

However, with his current strength.

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