"Yes, Lord Heavenly Emperor..."

Those loyal to Fuxi knelt down and saluted.

They were people who betrayed Shennong and Nuwa from the beginning.

Now it's natural to follow orders.

I saw Fuxi rushing toward the lower realm with thousands of soldiers and horses.


And under the sacred tree.

A figure slowly descended, it was Diluc who had bypassed the guard.

Looking at the fairy who is dressed in simple clothes, but can't hide her beauty.

He stepped forward and said: "Miss Xiyao... Are you Miss Xiyao..."

"Who are you? Why do you know my name..."

Xiyao looked confused.

Because she has never seen each other.

But this man knew his name.

Of course, she is not afraid of being attacked.

As the guardian of the sacred tree.

Xiyao's power is very powerful.

It can be said that it is ten times stronger than ordinary immortals.

Therefore, the Emperor of Heaven was very afraid of this fairy.

"My name is Diluc, and I am a person from another world. Here's the thing... I'll make a long story short... Nuwa from the lower world has awakened, and the Emperor Fuxi is preparing to kill all those who disobey.

However, these are all our strategies.

So, here’s a plan, would you like to participate? "

Not even a stick of incense.

After Xiyao heard the whole plan, she nodded directly and said: "Okay...I understand!! If those heavenly soldiers really come, I will believe you..."

In fact, when I saw the mark on the back of Diluc's hand.

She already believed the other person.

However, in order to be more insured.

Xiyao still wanted to see if Fuxi was really that heartless.

As a result, it only takes a while.

A large number of heavenly soldiers and generals came around the sacred tree.

As the guardian of this place.

Xiyao walked out of the wooden house and asked those people: "What are you doing here? What happened..."

Everyone looked at each other.

The leader said: "I'm sorry, Fairy Xiyao... Something big happened in the lower world. The Emperor of Heaven ordered us to guard this place! Protect your safety..."

"Ha... Lord Heavenly Emperor, you don't want to kill Nuwa, do you? We are from the same roots, so why be too hasty..."

Hear Xiyao's words.

Everyone looked troubled.

Although they don't want this either.

However, working as an errand for the Emperor of Heaven.

Everyone has no choice but to do so.

While everyone was hesitating.

Countless branches rose directly from the ground.

Quickly trap everyone in place.

"Lord Xiyao...why are you doing this?"

"We know about your friendship with Nuwa Empress... However, that gentleman was staying in the lower world and was fine, and the Emperor of Heaven was just imprisoned..."

"Even if you go, you will only make things worse and cannot change anything..."

The heavenly soldiers did not resist.

Because with their strength, they are no match for Xiyao.

So, just do it for a show.

If the other party really insists on leaving.

Then someone will stop them later.

At least don't let Lord Xiyao pass easily.

However, the heavenly soldiers did not know Xiyao's plan at all.

After the branches trapped them.

Countless flowers began to arrive.

"The Great Law of Mystery..."

Xiyao activated her own power.

A flower blooms.

Thousands of flowers bloom.

All the heavenly soldiers fell into a dream in an instant.

Only the leader of the day soldiers managed to resist.

However, before the other party could speak, he saw Xiyao flying into the sky.

Then the entire sacred tree began to tremble.

"Hey...Master Xiyao, what are you trying to do? The sacred tree is the foundation of heaven..."

Why is the sacred tree so important?

Because it is not only the force that supports the heavens.

At the same time, it is also a divine item that nourishes the heaven.

Xiyao has been trained as a manager for hundreds of millions of years.

The soul has long been integrated with the sacred tree!

· ··Asking for flowers····· ····

Otherwise, how to distribute the power emitted by the sacred tree.

Now that I know Fuxi is so shameless.

And if there was still a chance to leave, then she would get up and leave.

Don't think that losing the heaven is a disadvantage.

On the contrary, humans and monsters now have problems in the heaven.

There is no way to become an immortal.

It is a real sin to continue to let the sacred tree stay here.

Fuxi was not worthy of becoming the Emperor of Heaven.

And under Xiyao's full urging.

The entire heaven was in turmoil.

Fuxi has gone down to the lower realm.

People in this world looked at the shrinking sacred tree with shocked eyes.

What the hell is going on today?

Why did the sacred tree undergo such a change?

Everyone was extremely shocked.

And something really desperate is happening, because the divine tree is shrinking, and the heaven formed by the divine tree is constantly collapsing.

......... .. 0

Although not all will fall.

But borderline places.

It has begun to fall towards the human world.

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