So, from a human perspective.

The sky... fell.

"Hey...what is happening in the sky..."

"It has collapsed!!!"


People were stunned.

I didn't expect that the sky would collapse.

In the heavenly realm, Xuannv, who was sitting on the Nine Heavens, naturally saw this scene.

However, she didn't stop him.

Instead, look at the development of things with an indifferent gaze.

"Sir... there are many heavenly soldiers coming outside. It seems that Lord Fuxi... has done something... and the sacred tree has begun to shrink for some reason.

Many places in the heaven have collapsed..."

"Well, she must be Nuwa from the lower world. I really didn't expect...Xiyao would be so strong, but after this incident, she will also die...

This guy Fuxi is the most vicious. "

It’s not that Jiutian Xuannv doesn’t want to leave.

But it also has a seal on itself.

If you want to leave, you have to pay a huge price.

Her heart is dead.

I don’t want to worry about anything now, not even...Nuwa...

Jiutian Xuannv did not think that the other party could defeat Fuxi.

The so-called resistance is just a joke.

Just when Jiutian Xuannv chose to die, Xiyao in the distance had temporarily compressed the sacred tree into her body.

Chapter 645: The Heavenly Locks Trap Fuxi, and the Taunt from Nuwa Miaoyue


Emperor Fuxi looked at the crumbling heaven.

The whole person was stunned.

He had just come down, and the sacred tree had undergone such a change?

Is it Xiyao?


However, didn't Xi Yao see Fei Peng before?

Why would such a move be made.

"You'd better make sure it's not your problem, otherwise...I will definitely kill you completely!"

Emperor Fuxi turned around.

Want to return to heaven.

That's your base camp.

Rather than dealing with a Nuwa who has been seriously injured for many years and has no strength at all, family is far more important.

However, at the moment when Tiandi Fuxi turned around.

But he saw a character he had never expected.


It should be said that she is the second Nuwa!

Because the one in Miao territory is breaking free from restraint.

And this woman in front of me.

Surprisingly, it was also the other party.

"920" Because of her beautiful face, I will never forget it.

"What's wrong? Don't you recognize me...Ah...after all, we haven't seen each other for so many years, so it's normal to not recognize me...Look at your surprised look.

Are you thinking.

Why were the people suppressed in the Miao border?

Why does it appear here?

Is it fake?

My answer is...guess? "

The words fell.

Miao Yue disappeared on the spot, while Fu Xi's body was shaken, and he vomited blood and flew out.

Fight head-on.

One blow wounded the Emperor of Heaven.

Then the identity of the person in front of him is already certain.

This is the real Nuwa.

The green life force.

The tail displayed from behind.

And the tiny transparent scales on the face.

It is enough to show that this woman is Nuwa.

Moreover, the strength is not weak...but is close to the peak level.

Miao Yue retracted her palm and said expressionlessly: "Anyone who doesn't want to die, get out of here..."

The nearby heavenly soldiers were so frightened that they quickly left.

A battle at the level of a creation god.

It's not like shrimps like them who can participate in the war.

Even if Fuxi wanted them to develop some fighting power, he would just do it for fun.

Because Miao Yue is close to her prime.

Can kill all the immortals instantly.

"Ahem... You bitch, you actually ran out of it. So... the person inside is just a puppet, right? The golden cicada escaped...

Ahem...that's a really good plan. "

Fuxi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

A gentle squeeze of the fingers.

A magical weapon that belongs to you.

Appear in the palm of your hand.

This is a whip flashing with countless thunders. It can be said to be the whip of heaven, or it can be said to be... the power of heaven stolen by using the power of the three gods.

A magic weapon formed.

It is the most powerful magic weapon in the world.

Only the Emperor of Heaven can master it.

He hasn't done anything for so many years, and he has been refining this kind of thing.

Miao Yue glanced at the magic weapon filled with heavenly thunder and suddenly smiled.

"I thought you would take out your own weapons to fight. It seems... fighting is still your weakness among our three gods. Brother Shennong is a taster of herbs.

Mainly auxiliary.

As for me, I create and regenerate, mainly creating living beings.

And you mainly rely on the innate Bagua to arrange the formation.

It seems that our strength is thought of, but when it is actually applied in battle, your innate Bagua disk needs to be arranged... but we can use it to fight.

Stealing the power of heaven, no wonder...for so many years.

There are no immortals in the world, it’s all because of divine punishment..."

Facing Nuwa's accusation.

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