It made her very greedy.

Whether it's frozen fruit.

Or lava fruit.


Ning Guang was very excited.


If you have this natural devil fruit, protecting Liyue will become extremely simple.


Ke Qing: "Yes, the frozen fruit can actually freeze the sea. It's really shocking..."


It's a pity that she has already eaten the flower fruit.


I can no longer take other Devil Fruits.


Gan Yu: "By the way, I remember today is the time for the points mall to be refreshed. We have gained so many points, let's go see what we can buy."


Ning Guang: "Yeah, that's true."


Open the Points Mall.


I saw that the products inside were starting to become more abundant.



[Dragon and Tiger Great Return Pill Formula]: A very precious formula for washing tendons and cutting marrow.

[Effect]: After taking it, it can increase the internal strength for five years, and it can also cleanse the muscles and cut the marrow.

[Price]: 20,000 points

[Restrictions]: First-level group members

[Remaining time]: Fourteen days and twenty-three hours...


[Three-point return to vitality]: It is the unique martial arts of Tianjue old man, which includes: Tianshuang Fist, Fengshen Kick, and Cloud Dispelling Palm

[Analysis]: The three moves restrain each other and integrate with each other.

[Price]: 100,000 points

[Restrictions]: Level 2 group members

[Remaining time]: Fourteen days and twenty-three hours...


[Iron Broken Fang]: A special weapon of a dog demon in a certain world. It has extraordinary abilities. However, this weapon is currently initialized and does not have the power of enchantment.

[Remarks]: This is a sword of demons. If you cannot suppress this sword, it will be disturbed by its power. Buy with caution.

[Price]: 100,000 points

[Restrictions]: Level 2 group members

[Remaining time]: Fourteen days and twenty-three hours...


[Thunder Lingzhu]: In the world of fairy swords, the Lingzhu was made by Nuwa to seal the God of Thunder. It contains infinite power.

[Remarks]: Wearing it can automatically condense the thunder element and gain immunity to the thunder element.

[Price]: Five million points

[Restrictions]: Level 3 group members

[Remaining time]: Fourteen days and twenty-three hours...


[Animal type·Fish Fruit·Phantom Beast Species·Blue Dragon Form]: Kaido’s devil fruit in the world of One Piece can be transformed into the blue dragon form after use.

[Remarks]: A very powerful devil fruit with no weaknesses, and it can turn into a blue dragon after taking it.

[Ability]: Control strong wind, fire, thunder and lightning

[Price]: Five million points

[Restrictions]: Level 3 group members

[Remaining time]: Fourteen days and twenty-three hours...


[Resurrection Pill]: Originated from the world of immortals, it is a treasure that the immortals refined after seven, seven and forty-nine days of thunder and calamity.

[Remarks]: As long as there is a ray of residual soul, Wei Bao can be resurrected

[Price]: Five million points

[Restrictions]: Level 3 group members

[Remaining time]: Fourteen days and twenty-three hours...

There is a wide range of products.

Everyone was dazzled.

When everyone saw the treasures of the third-level group members.

They couldn't help but take a breath of air.

Ning Guang: "Is this the treasure of the second level group? It's too powerful... the Resurrection Pill, the Green Dragon Fruit, and the Thunder Spirit Pearl.

There is actually a god sealed inside. "

Gan Yu: "This... this treasure from another world is so exaggerated?"

Coconut Sheep was shocked.

I thought that after the mall in the group chat was refreshed.

That's it.

Who knew there could be something so terrifying.

All you need to do is take the Azure Dragon Fruit.

It can be transformed into the body of a blue dragon, and the key is to control the power of three elements!

Who if taking this fruit.

That’s one step to the top!

As for the Resurrection Pill, it was even more shocking.

You can come back from the dead!

Zhongli: "I'm somewhat looking forward to what the third-level group chat will be like."

He was very happy.

Accepted the task himself.

Elevate group chat to level two.

Resurrection Pill.

If there is such a thing, does it mean that they can be resurrected after all?

However, it seems that even the remnants of those old friends are gone.

But since there is a treasure that can be resurrected.

This shows that there will definitely be more treasures in the future.

It seems that I will be able to reunite with my old friends soon.

Su Han: "That's still far away, look at this experience bar. After almost twenty missions..."

Can refresh such a good baby.

He was very happy.

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