Because this will stimulate people in the group to keep working hard.

Ningguang: " @Everyone, if anyone has a treasure that can improve their strength, if you like it, you can tell me... Let's show off today."

Gan Yu: "I think I can exchange it for the Dragon-Tiger Great Return Pill. Although top strength needs to be cultivated, such a formula cannot be ignored."

Sugar: "Yeah, I think so too. After redeeming it, I can help make potions..."

· ··Asking for flowers····· ····

Things in engineering have been relatively easy lately.

Therefore, another medical department was established in Liyue.

Now she is a manager of the medical department.

Specializes in Biology.

Now I have even forgotten the sugar and came here to study engineering.

Beidou: "Let's exchange the three parts of returning vitality. I thought about it. If you use domineering energy to activate martial arts, wouldn't it be very powerful?

And this martial arts is equivalent to three martial arts, right? "

Ningguang: "Okay, I will give the points to Keqing to redeem."

Su Han: "If you can, you can exchange it for me for an iron broken tooth. I want this weapon... As for the century-old peach wood sword in my hand.

It can be given to Beidou. "

A weapon that can refresh InuYasha.

He didn't expect it either.

But this infinitely growing weapon.

It is indeed stronger than the Taomu Sword and the Snow Drinking Crazy Sword.

Moreover, Su Han planned to disassemble the Xueyin Kuangdao and forge a new spear.

Leave it to Shen He to use.

Then he lacks weapons.

.. 0 ...

And Tie Suiya is just right.

Naturally, Ningguang would not refuse Su Han's request, and soon spent more than 200,000 points.


Keqing: "By the way, have you seen the special offer area?"


Hu Tao: "I'm going to take a look. There were too many things and I didn't pay attention just now... This is actually a weapon. Su Han, come and take a look."




Su Han looked at the bottom of the points mall.


There is an area glowing with colorful lights.


There are several words written on it.


Special offer area.


[Name]: Hyōrinmaru


[Original price]: Five million points


[Discount]: 10% off

[Current price]: 500,000 points

[Introduction]: The strongest Zanpakutō in the ice and snow system. It has a wide attack range and can control the power of the weather. If you can control this sword, you can transform it into a stronger form.

[Countdown]: Six days and twenty-three hours

[Tip]: The countdown is over and the products will be automatically refreshed.

Su Han: "It's actually a Zanpakutō! This is a weapon from a certain Shinigami world, and the price... is only half a million!"

Mona: "Is this knife very powerful?"

Keqing: "It should be so, after all, the price is there."

Su Han: "This is a knife that is comparable to frozen fruit. No matter what attribute you are, this knife can give you ice attributes!

However, look at the description.

Only people with ice attributes can make it swastika. "

Maplehara Manyo: "Can it be the same knife as the frozen fruit?'s really scary."

Gan Yu: "Well, I saw it too. The original price was five million! It's a pity that we spent all the points just now. Otherwise, we should give priority to redeeming this weapon."

Ning Guang: "Don't worry, you still have some points. Just look at the subsequent tasks, if the tasks are four stars.

Then I feel pretty much the same.

However, it’s okay even if you miss it.

If the item is gone, there will be other things, so don’t get too hung up on it..."

Now focus on the things in the mall.

Very open-minded.

Treasures are precious, but just because they are lost they can never be obtained.

Maybe there will be better next time!

Su Han: "That's true. Maybe things will be better next time. Let's keep working hard..." Guang.

Chapter 96 Group leader’s upgrade gift package, Su Han’s overlord color and domineering spirit (fifth update)

Just when Su Han was happily fishing in the group.

Yae Shenzi, who was sitting in front of him, finally couldn't bear it anymore. He slapped his palm on the table and said angrily: " long do you want me to wait!!!"

It's been more than an hour.

Is it over or not?

She almost fell asleep!

Su Han woke up, looked at the angry Yae Shenzi in front of him, and said with a smile: "I almost forgot... the group just upgraded.

This will pull you in..."

"Hmph, that's pretty much it."

Later, Yae Shenzi received the invitation.

Look at the dialog box in front of you.

She couldn't help but be surprised, she didn't expect the group chat to be like this.


Within the Zhutian mission group.

[Ding... Congratulations to the new member Yae Shenzi for joining the All Heavens Mission Group. 】

Hutao: "A new person is coming so soon? Yae...this name is so weird, it seems to be from Inazuma's side!"

Ningguang: "Hello, Son of the Eightfold God. Welcome to join the mission group of the heavens..."

Yae Shenzi: " turns out this is a group. It's really magical..."

It was her first time contacting a group chat.

Extremely curious about everything.

rules within the group.

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