There is also information within the group.

"Two zero three" until I saw the points mall.

The Eighth Palace Secretary of Narukami Taisha Shrine finally couldn't sit still!

What did she see?

Resurrection Pill!

A treasure that can bring people back to life.

"Isn't this a lie? Is there really such a thing in the world?"

Yae Shenzi murmured to himself.

His eyes were already attracted by the Resurrection Pill.

If there is such a thing, does it mean that... Raiden can really be resurrected, as well as Foxai Palace and the others.

She quickly turned to look at Su Han

Wanted to confirm with him.

This thing is not real.

"Su Han...that resurrecting pill is not a lie, right?"

Because I was too excited.

Yae Shenzi's voice began to tremble.

Because she was so excited.

This is something that can resurrect the previous Thor.

Su Han nodded and said: "This is true...otherwise, where do you think domineering comes from? We can redeem various treasures through the points mall.

The flower fruit used by Keqing.

It’s similar to this..."

"Let me calm down. I'm so excited. I can actually resurrect her... Wuwu..."

Under emotion.

Yae Shenzi actually started crying.

Because thunder and lightning are really too important to her and to Ying.

Because they are relatives.

Su Han looked at the loser Tan Hu and spoke out to break her fantasy.

"It's just that there is hope. Five million points...can't be collected within half a month, so you don't have to be so excited."

"What did you say?"

"Didn't you see that there are restrictions on the product? You need a third-level group member and five million points. Even if we have enough, there is no way to redeem it.

Level three group members need to do a lot of tasks. "

Yae Shenzi was slightly startled, and then looked at the group.

Her expression slowly turned from excitement to disappointment.

"How could this happen...I see hope, but I can't touch it..."

However, she soon recovered.

The Eightfold Divine Son asked Su Han: "Will there be such a treasure in the future?"

"Of course, but it might not be the Resurrection Pill, but something else..."

"Ah That's good."

She breathed a sigh of relief and then said to Su Han: "If you have any tasks in the future, you can call me directly, by the way... why not give me an administrator too.

Wait until Ina-wife becomes more settled later.

I will recruit some strong men for you. "

"Okay, that's what I originally planned."

Su Han nodded and granted the Eighth Level Divine Son authority.

Originally, if there was no administrator status.

Then, if he invites Inazuma's people to join him in the future, he will still need to go there.

That's not needed now.


All it takes is Yae Shenzi to come forward.


However, in order to prevent Danhu from recruiting people like crazy, Su Han still warned: "The positions in the group are limited, if you have the right candidate.

I must be notified first.


If I don't agree, I can't join the group!


Otherwise, your status will be revoked. "


Yae Shenzi rolled his eyes at him and snorted: "I won't be so stupid as to tell your story everywhere..."


Join a group chat.


Naturally, he understands Su Han's special nature.


Within the seven countries.


But no one can do this.

If it is known by fools.

I'm afraid that the Ice Queen will be completely unable to sit still.

Within the Zhutian mission group.

Watching the newcomer actually get an administrator.

Hu Tao began to feel a little dissatisfied.

After all, Ningguang's status was special, so he could just become an administrator.

Why can this newcomer also get an administrator?

Hutao: "Hey... that Yae Shenzi, why can you become the administrator?"

Maplehara Manyo: "What? Lord Yaeguji has come in! Is it really you... Lord Yae?"

Mona: "Huh? You know this new guy."

Maplehara Manyo: "Yes, Lord Yaeguji. She is the great shrine maiden of our Inazuma Narukami Grand Shrine, and she is also a descendant of Lord Raijin."

Gan Yu: "Dependent? Could it be that...she is a person who serves the God of Thunder?"

Ningguang: "That's right, so... don't be jealous, Little Hutao, his status is similar to that of an immortal. Don't lose your manners..."


Well, Zhongli is an immortal.

This eighth-level divine son also has the same identity.

Alas, this is one by one.

They all have backgrounds.


Looking at the deflated girl, Yae Shenzi couldn't help but chuckle.

With this group.

I won’t be bored anymore.

You can even listen to Su Han telling stories anytime and anywhere.

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