It's really good.

However, it is a pity that Su Han is busy.

Naturally, I don't have time to spend with this naughty fox.

After saying goodbye to each other.

Su Han returned to his room.

Upgrade within the group.

As the group leader, he has a lot of rewards!

"Let me see what's there..."

Open system messages in the group.

A series of messages popped up.

[Ding... Congratulations to the Zhutian Task Group for being upgraded to a second-level group chat. As the group leader, your authority has been increased! When a group member completes a task, you automatically receive 20% of the points...]

[Ding... Congratulations to the Zhutian Task Group for being upgraded to a second-level group chat. As the group leader, you will receive an upgrade gift package! 】

Is there an upgrade gift pack?

Su Han quickly opened it.

Only three things were seen falling out.

[Ding...congratulations on getting a skill upgrade card...]

[Ding... Congratulations on getting a weapon upgrade card. 】

[Ding... Congratulations on getting a mission refresh card. 】

Skill Upgrade Card: You can upgrade the skills you have learned by one level (only used by the group leader)

Weapon upgrade card: You can upgrade a weapon to be your own (only available to the group leader)

Task refresh card: After use, you can refresh the tasks in the group. The cooling time is fifteen days!

Look at the three things that fell out.

Su Han's eyes lit up, and he didn't expect that the group leader's benefits had increased again.

Weapon and skill upgrade cards go without saying much.

That task refresh card can forcefully refresh the tasks in the group.

Although the cooling time is long.

But one more mission.

You can get one more points, right?

Moreover, his points acquisition value has also been increased from the original 10% to 20%.

So cool.

Su Han continued to read.

Sure enough, Zhongli completed the task.

There are additional rewards for him too.

[Ding... Congratulations to group member Zhong Li for completing the promotion task. As the group leader, you will receive an additional task reward: 40,000 points. 】

[Ding... Congratulations to group member Zhong Li for completing the promotion task. As the group leader, you will receive the task reward: Overlord Color and Dominance Awakening. 】

The moment Su Han received the mission.

An inexplicable powerful force awakened from his body.

It was originally a sleeping overlord color.

Uncontrollably, it was continuously released from Su Han's body.

Throughout the cave, the weather was changing rapidly.

Maplehara Manyo and others who were practicing looked at Su Han's position and felt endless pressure.

It keeps coming out of it.

There's even some black thunder to go along with it.




The ground was struck by thunder.

Make a harsh sound.

Keqing was shocked and said: "This is..."

The smell of Su Han is good.

But it was extremely strange, as if a monarch was born.

Although the aura was very strong, it disappeared in an instant.

Su Han restrained his overlord color aura and muttered to himself: "I didn't expect this to be the overlord color aura..." 5.4

Why Rayleigh once said to Luffy.

This power cannot be cultivated.

Because the overlord color represents a person's courage and whether he wants to be the best.

Or do you want to be a soldier?

If a person does not have the courage to be a king.

Naturally, the overlord color cannot be awakened.

Not even worthy of it.

Because this power symbolizes spiritual power!

It can also be regarded as part of the soul power.

And he has the ambition to conquer the Seven Kingdoms and defeat Tianli!

Su Han looked at the skill improvement card in his hand.

Decisively chose to strengthen his overlord color and domineering energy.


The card turned into a ray of light and poured into Su Han's body.


His aura became more intensified, as if his spirit had been sublimated.


The whole person's aura has become stronger.

When Su Han opened his eyes, his eyes were slightly condensed.


The walls of the house.


As if under attack.


There was a violent shaking.


It can cause substantial damage to objects without being entangled.


This level of domineering.


He is already at the level of Red-haired Shanks.


Su Han smiled and said: "It seems that we are not far away from defeating the God of Thunder...".

Chapter 97 The horror of wind injury, the magic weapon was successfully forged

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