Because he discovered the truth about the abyss.

Therefore, I want to use this power to penetrate the world of Teyvat.

Then defeat Tianli.

Then you can resist the power of the abyss.

At the same time, if you can't do it, take your sister and leave.

However, Su Han's appearance completely broke all his illusions.

At first Sora didn't know the other party's ability.

Until various secret realms appear.

Even the wanted order in the fox demon world, I realized now that the other party can open the space of another world at will.

Various treasures and technologies.

It's basically obtained from another world.

Because of this, he suffered a lot.

Now that the other party has obtained the sacred tree, Sora begins to doubt himself a little. Is it right to do this...?

If it is wrong.

So what is oneself?

Thinking of this, a ray of black and red appeared in Sora's eyes.

The original struggle and pervasiveness.

All shrouded in this darkness.

"Since we can't break through those four countries, let's attack from Nata or Fontaine. Concentrate our forces... directly break through their defense lines, if it's not enough.

Let's take action at the level of the Abyss Whale.

At worst, we will repair the space in the future.

If Su Han continues like this.

The world is turned upside down and orthodoxy will never be restored. "

"Yes, Your Highness the Prince... But do you really want to use that level? Five hundred years ago, we in Kanria were able to pry into the secrets of the abyss and were swallowed up...

If you use the power of a giant whale.

It may cause a lot of casualties..."

".¨If the world continues to turn upside down, then people in other countries will sooner or later become like Qiuqiu people, that is, if you didn't discover it last time.

Over the past hundreds of years... you Kanria people have long turned into something like the Qiuqiu people. "

Mention of Canrea.

The faces of the apostles were not good-looking.

To restore the country.

For the glory of the past.

They did not hesitate to turn into this ugly posture.

Just for the great cause of the prince.

If we could overturn the world and restore true orthodoxy.

Then they too will have a chance to escape their misery.

Achieve your true self.

For this reason, no matter how many people are destroyed, it will not serve the country.

Kanria is a godless country.

When he was born, he was already prepared to compete with the Seven Gods for hegemony.

They live in the sea.

The power of technology can even copy the original body.

And it can also create dragon-like creatures.

The imbecile guys in the seven countries can't even imagine this.

What astrology.

What alchemy.

Those are the leftovers from playing.

Kanria's machinery can even destroy gods.

Of course, in the end they burned themselves with fire.

Making Zhongli and others furious.

In the end, it was destroyed.

And the country also fell silent.

The apostles will never forget the fierce wind and golden eyes.

And now the ruins of Canrea.

Right at the very bottom of the ocean.

Ninety percent of the place is submerged by sea water.

So far, it has not been possible to ascend to land.

Because heaven is watching them.

Prevent a resurgence one day.

Finally, everyone in front of the throne dispersed, leaving only Sora looking lonely into the distance.

In his hands.

A statue hanging upside down is exuding strange power.

Chapter 658 The five-star dimensional gate opens and the world of fighting fire emerges

In the world of Teyvat.

After dealing with Unit 1.

Su Han returned to heaven with a group of little lolita.

Currently, there is still a lot to do.

Naturally, we cannot delay in the lower realm.

After leaving the children under Aoi's care.

Su Han came to the depths of the heaven and then released a dimensional gate.

Nasida, who was standing next to him, asked: "Is this the five-star dimensional gate?"

"Well... I don't know exactly what world it is, so I need to enter it to know the secrets inside..."

"Isn't there any danger?"

Although she is a grass god.

But the real strength is not as good as Su Han.

I had just entered the five-star mission world before.

Naturally, he understands the horror of the five-star world.

So she was a little worried.

Su Han shook his head and said: "Don't worry about this problem. The place where the dimensional gate is opened is generally very safe."

"That's good..."

The young grass god nodded.

Weapons are ready in hand.

Always be ready for a fight.

At this time, Su Han opened the transmission device of the dimensional gate.

Along with a huge crack slowly appeared in the air.

The dimensional door has been completely opened.

Su Han and Nasida headed directly towards this new world.

Since there are only two people at the moment.

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