Therefore, the dimensional gate is not too vast.

Can be expanded up to several thousand meters937.

Because it is a temporary exploration.

It is enough for him to change the frame to five meters.

The two of them entered this world.

Facing the front is the lush forest.

At this time, a virtual electronic screen appeared in front of Su Han.

It shows the message of this world.

[Ding... Congratulations to the host for opening the five-star dimension door. This world is a five-star medium world: the world of fighting fire. 】

[Although fighting energy is used in this world, it is related to fire. It can be said to be the plane of fire...]

"It turns out that this is the world..."

Su Han looked at a town in the distance and said lightly.

The world of fire fighting.

It's really interesting.

Wutan City.

In the world of fighting fire, the city where the protagonist made his fortune.

If this is this kind of world.

That would be really interesting.

Su Han opened the mission group of the heavens and started calling inside.

Su Han: " @Everyone...the five-star world has been opened. This world is the plane of flame...the world of fighting fire. People who like alchemy...fighting energy and strange fire.

Now you can come and fight.

At the same time, let me tell the outside world...those who want to obtain powerful fire power can register with the official. "

Xiang Ling: "What? It's actually the world of fighting fire...Although I have the Burning Fruit, if I can get a strange fire, my strength will definitely improve by leaps and bounds..."

Xiao Gong: "I don't care... I am bound to win this world!"

World of Fire.

For people with fire attributes, it is simply the best place to test.

Then other people with fire attributes.

Appeared one after another.

Diluc: "I understand... plunder the strange fire. This is our plan. There has been no war recently. I want to bring the Mondstadt Holy Fire Knights over.

is that OK?


Qin: "Of course, no problem. You can now be the leader of the Knights of the Holy Fire."

Today's Mondstadt has been restructured.

From the original large knighthood.

It became an army led by several regiment leaders.

Currently, Yura and others are the leaders of the Knights.

For example, the Knights of the Holy Fire are all knights who use the power of fire.

Qin's knighthood is called the Knights of Holy Glory.

All are warriors of the Holy Light.

Each and every one of them was extremely vicious.

Of course, this refers to combat effectiveness.

For the common people, they are the best guardians.

Xiao Gong: "Then let me draw some monsters from Inazuma. I want to get the strange fire, and I also want to become stronger..."

Yan Fei: "Actually, there are quite a few flame cultivators in Xumi. Since the people in Xumi can't get the news for the time being, I'll be the one to make the announcement to them."

Su Han: "Well... By the way, I'm telling Tu Shan Honghong and others that if they want to gain power, they must use their own strength to conquer the world. Don't say that I didn't tell them the information...

All the information about the world of fighting fire has been made public by the top management.

Anyone can get it.

(bcfe) Moreover, if you encounter any blessed land, you will directly use a large number of people to plunder it.

The current heavenly world also has the world of Teyvat.

But what about accumulating such treasures..."

Don't blame him for being vicious.

Because Su Han didn't know when the woman from Sky Island would choose to take action.

It's okay if the other person is asleep.

Once the opponent chooses to take action.

Then, there is a big war.

Therefore, he didn't want to give the other party any chance.

Strengthening your strength is currently the best option.

Hutao: "Hehe... I am indispensable for the flames. By the way, Su Han... I remember this strange fire. People who are not fire-attributes can also use it, right?"

Lei Movie: "Yes, I once heard Su Han say... There are frost flames, and various other flames. In short, there are many different fires... Although the five-star world is not very strong.

But the real master appears.

Still have to be careful..."

Yura: "We all understand this. The world of fox monsters is currently at peace... Let's move our troops here and get ready to work..."

Coral Palace Xinhai: "Although our Haiji Island doesn't have much fighting power, we can still mobilize a group of people. Brother Su Han... please let me help."

Kujo Sora: "Master... the Tengu wants to join the battle."

Kamisato Ayaka: "Is your arm okay?"

Yae Shenzi: "Don't has been repaired with the gum of the world tree. When I heard that Kujo Sora was injured, the tree spirit generously rescued her.

And he was also given a great gift.

Kujo Sora's current fighting ability is much stronger than before. "

Su Han: "In that case... come here if you have nothing to do, and bring all the people you recruited... I want Wutan City..."

Gan Yu: "I understand... By the way, my master and the others also want to come over. It should be no problem..."

Ningguang: "What's the problem? The power of an immortal is very extraordinary, and after so long of training, it can deal with the masters of this world.

There should be nothing wrong with it. "

Finally, after deciding on the candidate.

Su Han expanded the dimensional barrier.

A large number of soldiers began to appear in the forest.

The knights of Mondstadt plus the adventurers alone totaled almost nine thousand people.

Inazuma's monsters and soldiers, as well as the people of Kaiji Island, totaled 8,000 people.

As for Liyue?

There are more people here.

Tao League.

Come to the country proudly.

Tushan fox demon.

There is also Liyue’s original black blade warrior.

That's 20,000 people.

Now Xumi can't mobilize too many people, but... there are still three thousand people coming to participate in the adventure.

Looking at the army of tens of thousands.

Su Han said towards Wutan City not far away: "With one stick of incense, take this city for me and kill all the resisters..."


Chapter 659: Shocking Wutan City, revealing Xiao Huo’s identity, and subduing Xun’er

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