But this time there were shackles one after another.

Appearing on the God of Fire.

There was a huge suction force coming from the ground.

And her body returned to the ground uncontrollably.

Only then did the God of Fire discover it.

He never left his original location.

Su Han stood not far away.

Countless golden inscriptions become brighter.

"How? Do you still want to fight..."

"You don't follow martial ethics, how can you play tricks... I don't accept it! It looks like we are fighting with real swords and guns... I don't accept the reaction of admitting defeat like this!"

Looking at the God of Fire with a face filled with resentment.

Su Han chuckled and said: "Even if you fight me with all your strength, the winning rate is less than 10%. Do you really want to take action~?"

"A warrior is never afraid of failure."

Looking at the God of Fire with great fighting spirit.

He understood that only true frontal combat would win.

This one will give in.

Su Han nodded and said: "Okay... let's change places, this is the formation... we can't fight, and a lot of your body has been plundered.

Eat some fruit to replenish it. "

He casually threw a flaming fruit over.

The whole body is like a pomegranate.

The God of Fire took it and asked doubtfully: "What is this?"

"The Sun Fruit from the top of the Flame Mountain has powerful fire power. If you feel that you are at your peak now, you don't need to swallow it.

But let me tell you this.

None of the current Lei movies can compete with me! "

Hearing Su Han's words.

The God of Fire swallowed the fruit without saying a word.

Before she could feel it.

An extremely powerful flame power rose from within the body.

This shocked the God of Fire.

Because this power actually completely restored the power she had consumed.

You must know that you are a demon.

If there had been this treasure in the original war, his subordinates would not have sacrificed so many.

Think back to that era.

He has three hundred powerful subordinates.

In the end, most of it was broken.

Only a dozen people were left hanging on.

After regaining strength.

A group of people also came outside.

The world of fire fighting.

Su Han looked at the deserted mountains outside the city and said to her: "Come on... let's fight somewhere else! People in the city will be hurt..."


The two people teleported outside.

And the people in the city also learned about it.

The God of Fire in Teyvat is about to start a battle with Master Su Han.

And there is also a live broadcast.

It made countless people excited.

"Is the mysterious Lord Su Han going to take action?"

"The challenger is actually a god! The God of Fire..."

"Yes, it is said that the power of the God of Fire is the third among the seven gods. I don't know what changes will happen."

"Really wait and see."

"A battle between demons and gods, I really don't know what it's like..."

"It will definitely not be desperate, but... it should be earth-shattering. After all... that is Master Su Han!"

According to rumors.

Lord Su Han hasn't done anything personally for a long time.

Now we can see him take action.

Really looking forward to it.

Just in the blink of an eye.

A huge screen appeared in the city.

Narrated by Wendy the Wind God.

The battle between the demons has begun!

"Hello everyone, the commentator this time is me, Wind God Barbatos... Please enjoy this battle. To be honest... I haven't seen Su Han actually take action for a long time.

But before that I give you an announcement.

Just now, Su Han used the formation to defeat the God of Fire once.

This will be the second competition. "

Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

He actually won once just now.

Is it so strong?

At this time, the sky was gradually wrapped in flames. Although it did not spread for thousands of miles, it was still hundreds of miles away.

Such a range of flames.

It can be said that it shocked many people.

At this time, Su Han opened his five fingers, and the four-method green cloud slowly appeared in his hand.

The power of the four elements.

lingering on its sword body.

An aura far stronger than the God of Fire directly tore apart the cloud of flames and appeared in the sea of ​​clouds in the sky.

Black thunder.

Completely exploded.

Thousands of miles around.

Everyone can feel the terrifying aura coming from Su Han.

Although the people in the city did not face direct confrontation.

But even the aftermath has made countless people unable to withstand such power, and their eyes turned white and they fainted.

Xiao Huo and others gritted their teeth and persisted.

".¨It's too strong...This power is really too strong..."

"Is there no limit to Lord Su Han's power?"

"The aura alone is so terrifying, so how terrifying is his true strength?"

People are speculating.

Su Han's voice appeared in everyone's ears.

"You take action... In front of me, you only have one chance to strike... Otherwise, if I strike first... you will lose directly..."

"Are you looking down on me?"

"That's not the case, I'm just stating the fact..."

"I heard that Lei Qianqian mastered a sword formation, which is very powerful...can you do the same?"

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