Su Han frowned slightly, then nodded and said: "Yes... but don't think about me using it, because... you can't bear it."

"You're kidding...I want to challenge you in your heyday, show it...let me see your power!"

Facing the repeated pleas of the God of Fire.

Su Han reluctantly began to take out his second fairy sword.

Sun Sword.

A long sword as terrifying as a sun appeared in the sky.

This fairy sword no longer releases strong Yang Yan sword energy all the time.

If you look at the strength, you will know that it is not much different from the Four Methods Qingyun.

Chapter 673: Ani, the god of fire, surrendered, and the sacred tree descended on the country of Nata

This isn't over yet.

After the Sun Yao Sword appeared, it was Tie Suiya.

Weapons that have been following Su Han in various battles.

After growing up.

He has already entered the ranks of fairy swords.

Although this sword looked ordinary, it gave the God of Fire the feeling of wanting to devour him.

And the fourth sword.

Of course it’s Lemonia.

Blood Demon Sword.

" master, you have finally summoned me again. I can't wait to fight..."

"Is this the enemy in front of you?"

"Let Lemonia fight for you..."

The words fell.

A bright red figure appeared directly near Lemonia's sword.

The other party not only appeared physically.

He even took the initiative to attack the God of Fire.

"Blood torn..."


The huge blood sword energy rushed directly and crazily.

The God of Fire was shocked.

He quickly slashed to block it.

But the speed is still a bit slower after all.

The two sword energies collided together.

A flash of surprise flashed in the God of Fire's eyes, because she discovered that the figure who appeared was actually very powerful.

And this power of blood.

Still consuming his own flames.

Just as disgusting as the Scarlet King.

"Hey...are you the master's enemy? I can feel the killing intent coming from your to me 937..."

Sword shadows all over the sky kept coming.

The degree of tearing is not inferior to the power of the devil.

The God of Fire could only continue to intercept.

But, keep hitting.

Her anger was brought out.

The one he wanted to challenge was Su Han. What a big deal if he was stopped by a mere weapon.

Ever since, the angry god of fire.

He unleashed all his power.

It’s a real outburst of true ability.

The kind of power that is almost life-threatening.

Inside the city.

People were dumbfounded.

Wendy explained: "This sword is called Lemonia. It is a magic sword in Su Han's hand. It comes from the shadow realm of a huge plane.

You can understand it as the world of death.

The power of its blood.

Very terrifying...controlled by the Blood Lord.

However, it has now become the control of Su Han.

Although it seems crazy.

But he is very loyal to his master...

As for the God of Fire Ani, her not just that.

Flame is her origin, and the real power is...destruction! "

The words just fell.

The original Aini actually split (bcfe) into two clones.

One is the big flame cat.

One is the Flame Serpent.

It's said to be a cat, but its size is very scary... like a mountain.

And the flame serpent.

It is the snake of Yama that controls the fire of hell.

Three attack one.

Nature has taken advantage.

Su Han nodded and said: "No wonder you are confident that you can meet the Immortal Formation... But you have forgotten one thing. The Immortal Formation is not four fairy swords stacked together.

But...a more mysterious power.

Zhuxian Sword Formation·Open..."


All four fairy swords returned to their positions.

Among them, Lemonia serves as the Immortal Killing Sword.

Withstand the power of three fairy swords.

After its power is increased.

More than ten times more powerful.

With just one stroke of his sword, he chopped down thousands of miles of mountains.

It left a huge scar.

Ani, the God of Fire, looked towards the back.

His eyes suddenly shrank.

If this sword cuts on his own body.

I'm afraid I'll be seriously injured.

I've made a big mistake on my own.

Even with the power of authority.

It may not be possible to defeat the opponent.

However, even though I knew I was going to fail.

But she still found the courage to attack.

Two clones, one breathing hellfire from its mouth.

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