Fierce flames rose from the ground.

This turned out to be a trap.


Flames pierced through these Digimon.

Xiaogong once again eliminated some enemies.

Take a shot and change the place.

This is the sniper way.

But... Xiao Gong feels that he is suitable to be a ranger, shooting and setting traps while maintaining the battle.

This will make you happy.

"But... it will be difficult for me to keep setting up traps... So, I can no longer participate in Puppetmon, so I will use my power.

Transformed into a seraph.

Destroy the darkness before your eyes

Swastika: Mystery of the Phoenix..."

Xiao Gong felt the little strength left in his body.

Unleash the power of the Zanpakutō.

Her weapon is a bow and arrow.

And no one knows the meaning of swastika...

Even Su Han, he just knew.

Xiao Gong is very confident in his interpretation of swastika.

It is even said to be comparable to Beidou's Thunder Emperor.

And the secret of Phoenix.

It is the huge phoenix long bow.

The attack launched can turn it into a real phoenix.


It will not end until Xiaogong becomes unconscious.

However, this terrible power.

There is a price.

That is, the body of Xiao Palace does not have any power.

Only the physical body is left to move.

Ultimate power.

Of course there is an extreme price to pay.

If the body dies.

Then it's all over.

"This is my secret... Burn all the darkness and let the flame illuminate the world... Burn, the secret of Phoenix..."

"hold head high!!!"

A high-pitched cry filled the sky.

The blazing blue phoenix charged directly.

A huge body that is over 100 meters long.

Directly burn nearby enemies.

And if you look carefully, you will easily find that...some of the ashes of the burned enemies will be absorbed into the Phoenix's body.


Within the Zhutian mission group.

Hutao: "This phoenix secret... is to absorb the enemy's power and turn it into continuous power, right? It's really strong... The body was destroyed.

It can also recover quickly. "

Lisa: "But it's more than that... The soul and body burned by the Phoenix are not a single attack... Those ashes are the power of life.

No wonder Xiao Gong said that his swastika is a 5.4 power alongside the Thunder Emperor.

If it grows up.

Really awesome. "

Rosalin: "However, this power also comes at a price... Xiaogong's body cannot have strong combat power. This is the biggest drawback.

And Beidou has no shortcomings! "

At this time, Beidou is fighting Puppetmon in his strongest posture.

Both have destroyed large amounts of forest.

Although Beidou is powerful.

But there are traps in various mechanisms of the puppet beast.

It's enough to cause a headache.

There is no way to deal with this guy for a while.

It's really uncomfortable.

Su Han: "If you want to solve the problem of Xiao Palace, then there is one point... use the soul to attack, the body cannot have aura, but the power of the soul.

It is also a very powerful force.

All enemies can be destroyed with just one thought.

What is being chopped off is the soul. ”.

Chapter 681 Beidou’s magical power, the innate Yuan Magnetic Escape Sword

As Su Han said, what Xiao Palace lacks now is the power to protect itself.

And her soul sword control skills.

Naturally not as scary as others.

Therefore, Xiao Gong took the approach.

In fact, it is a formation.

Use the power of the formation to make yourself invisible.

When no one finds out.

Naturally, you are considered safe.

Moreover, everyone's attention was attracted by the mystery of the Phoenix.

Naturally, no one saw her presence.

Fiery Phoenix.

Constantly destroying the enemy.

Although the tens of thousands of Digimon looked like a large number, in fact... they were destroyed by Phoenix very easily.

On the other side, Kuki Shinobi recovered his spiritual power.

Use large ninjutsu directly.

Use a move that combines thunder and water to completely destroy the enemy.

So far.

The only enemy left is Puppetmon.

And Yula also slowly rescued the other children.

Although the process is very tortuous.

For example, some need to be decrypted.

Some require her to explode into potential.

But the moment I rescued the child, I was still very happy.

Puppetmon watches the loss of Horrorland.

The children were also rescued, feeling humiliated and annoyed inside...and driven by this 12 angry emotion.

It started to go to extremes.

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