"Okay...Okay...How dare you tease me like this! It really makes me extremely angry...But, don't think that you can defeat my Puppetmon like this!!!"

"Because I am undefeated...because of my strength. I belong to this earth..."


When Puppet Beast talks passionately.

But Beidou didn't know when he appeared behind it.

The golden sword in his hand.

It penetrated directly through the opponent's body.

Lots of threads and those dark sawdust.

smashed one after another.

However, the puppet beast was not afraid of this fatal attack.

Instead, he was still looking at Beidou with mocking eyes.

"You think you won? Hehe... This is also part of my plan!!! Because my core is no longer in this body.

I'm a puppet...you know?

The body of the puppet is naturally movable. "

The ground began to roar.

A huge puppet appeared in front of everyone.

Along with the previous Horrorland.

In fact, they are all under the control of the puppet beast.

Because that is part of its body.

Once upon a time, when the Steel Seadramon was destroyed.

The Clown King once found the Puppet Beast.

If you meet that strange woman, you may not win.

The opponent has all kinds of weird moves.

The shortcomings of the puppet beast are so obvious.

Definitely easy to beat.

Ever since, he made a suggestion to the puppet beast.

Let it release the core.

Although this will lead to a decline in strength in a short period of time.

However, it is not easy to die.

And now the Clown King's method has come true.

A monster thousands of meters tall.

Appeared in front of Beidou.

Moreover, the opponent's chest opened, and countless artillery fire began to pour out at this moment.




Beidou dodged again and again.

However, the ground beneath his feet continued to roar.

Not only that.

Beidou also discovered in his perception that the other person's body was not just his own.

There are other forces present.

In other words, Puppetmon now controls the body.

However, each part is controlled by subordinates.

"This is basically a battle fortress..."

Beidou cursed with an ugly expression.

But then she stopped.

Keep dodging.

It's not my own character.

Counterattack is what Beidou wants to do.

However, the enemy's body is so huge.

Ning Guang is not here again.

What should I do?

Beidou thought for a while, and finally felt that maybe this was the time to break through himself.

Real pressure.

The real limit.

This is often the time that inspires a person’s strength.

Mona can defeat the Ultimate on her own.

Why can't I do it myself?

Realize this.

Beidou calmed down his violent thoughts.

The magical powers that Miao Yue taught me came to mind.

Above magic are supernatural powers.

Why is it called magical power?

It's because this is the creation that conquers heaven and earth.

Incredible power.

And she had practiced a magical power before.

It's called the Xiantian Yuan Magnetic Escape Sword.

With the magnetic force of heaven and earth as its core.

A super powerful sword technique.

Although it seems simple.

But this swordsmanship is extraordinary.

The speed is even more outrageous.

At the same time, it can add the power of thunder.

It is a very powerful force among Lei Dun monks.

In fact, Beidou can also practice the Heaven and Earth.

However, she felt that this move was too stupid.

The body is huge.

Although all attributes have been upgraded to a very terrifying stage.

But in fact, it is very easy to get injured!

But this swordsmanship is different.

It is a kind of magical power that suits Beidou.

"Hey...Puppetmon, you're very strong, right?"

"Yes, do you understand how powerful I am now? No...you want to find my core, I tell you...you will never find it.

My body is so huge that you can't see my core.

And my core can still transfer.

Those little powers of yours.

How could you destroy me?

Moreover, the land beneath our feet can continue to provide strength..."

Confronting Puppetmon's rhetoric.

Beidou just smiled faintly.

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