The sword in her hand had disappeared.

But under the palm of his hand, a faint black light appeared.

This power is blooming.

At the same time, the shape of a sword is slowly taking shape.

"No matter where your core is, I only need to destroy your entire body, right? This sword is the first magical power I cultivated.

You have to resist it well, otherwise... there will be no pressure at all.

I will be sad! "


"Supernatural power·Innate Yuan Magnetic Escape Sword..."


A black giant sword appeared in the air.

The Beidou flies without wind.

And that sword burst out with infinite power, directly repelling everything nearby.

Puppetmon saw this.

Quickly launch the attack.

However, the flying missile stalled in the air.

Then, Hokuto's sword dissipated.

The puppet beast still felt strange, why didn't the opponent attack?

Could it be that the move failed?

But in the next moment, its body began to fester uncontrollably.

Lots of rocks and trees.

Falling from the sky.

"I was attacked? But why didn't I feel anything..."


"I am..."

The core of the puppet beast hidden somewhere has been hit by a sword!

The sword energy penetrates the core.

Exerting his own power.

Feel the power emanating from the sword energy.

Puppetmon suddenly realized.

So that's it.

This is what swordsmanship looks like.

This is not sword energy.

Instead, the sword body turned into something like sand and began to explode away.

Finally penetrated the enemy.

magnetic force.


It looks like a sword, but it's actually a magical power.

He died before he was even aware of it.

This is the subtlety of magical power.

Chapter 682: Mechanical city in the desert, a technological civilization that transcends the times

After the puppet beast is defeated.

Everyone was quickly reminded of the news from the All Heavens Task Group.

[Ding... Congratulations to all of you for completing the difficult four-star team mission in the heavens and receiving the mission point reward: 900,000 points. 】

[Tip: You can choose to return directly, or you can choose to stay for a while. 】

[Remarks: The stay time is thirty-five minutes. 】

Ning Guang, who had just conquered the mechanical city, said with a smile: "The time is just right... It seems that Beidou and the others have successfully completed their mission.

The cooperation is really good..."

Able to defeat Puppetmon.

This was not unexpected.

This time’s reward.

It also made Ning Guang very happy.

Because this means that Liyue will have one more mechanical city, and there will also be some mechanical Digimon in it.

Just purify the dark atmosphere in their bodies.

In fact, they can be driven to work as part-time workers.

This is a one-size-fits-all thing.

The Ningguang mission was completed and left.

Followed by the exhausted Kuki Shinobu and Yonomiya.

Next is Beidou.

When only Youla was left, she said gently to the children: "You did a good job this time. My sister appreciates you very much."

So, this time I give you a gift.

After eating it, you can become stronger physically.

It can be regarded as the ultimate gift for the next meeting.

Remember, always keep hope in your heart.

Everything will have hope. "

"Well...we will always believe in Sister Youla!!!"

"Only the Clown King is left, and we will work hard... After we were defeated before, we thought about a lot of things. This time we will definitely not make the same mistake again!"

All the children were very excited.

But Youla said calmly: "In addition to the Clown Emperor, the person you want to defeat is also a mastermind behind the scenes. Do you think...

Can the Dark Tornado Mountain be achieved by the Clown Emperor?


Not so.

The real problem is with that's the source of the darkness.

Apocalypse beast.

It is the source of darkness and the supreme demon king...and the other party has the power to destroy all evolutionary forces.

Then your badge.

None of your divine plans are working.

One that can truly defeat the enemy.

There is only hope in the heart.

That is your real power..."

Why did Yula tell the children this.

It's because Apocalypsemon is too powerful.

So, a little spoiler ahead.

It also encourages the children.

I saw Taichi Yagami and others nodding and saying: "We understand... We will not lose courage or faith in the future..."

"Well, I wish you a safe journey!"

Yura waved to the children.

Left this world.

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