And the children also set off to other final destinations.

The location of the Clown King.


After Ningguang and others returned.

Several of them were directly promoted to third-level group members.

Not only can you receive more experience and points.

At the same time, you can also go to do more advanced independent tasks.

Of course...the most important thing.

It’s still a mechanical city!

"Where do you plan to build it? At present, Liyue really can't move anywhere... Nor can Mondstadt, unless a space is built. But this will not do any good for the mechanical city.

Because the task of the mechanical city is to integrate with the city on the ground.

And the best ones have lots of power. "

Faced with Lisa's inquiry.

Abedo gave the answer.

"What do you think of the Xumi desert? It can generate electricity using solar energy... Moreover, the mechanical city can also build special protective covers to absorb sunlight and trigger electrical energy.

Then the protective cover can be made ecological. "

Everyone nodded.

And Sugar also said: "Building a city in the desert of Sumeru... will not only promote the economy, but also increase the employment rate. Although there are Digimon...

But many places still require manual labor.

This point is very important...

A large number of technologies also require transformation by Xumi scholars. If we can get this right, maybe we can create a truly super midrange. "

I have seen the middle part of Xumi.

Sugar has always had a dream.

That is to create your own virtual midrange.

However, this process is very long.

It requires a lot of knowledge accumulation.

However, everyone has dreams.

So sugar is no exception.

For this dream.

She can keep trying.

Site selection is over.

Everyone moved towards the desert of Sumeru and arrived at the desert of Sumeru.

The condensed light releases the mechanical city from the Dust Song Pot.

It covers a surface area of ​​almost thirty kilometers.

Huge city.

With a roar.

Located in the desert.

It is worth mentioning that the Digimon inside automatically returned to normal after breaking away from Mechanical Evildramon.

They are the Digimon responsible for production.

All programs can be configured.

Facing such good things.

Su Han's eyes lit up and he said: "How about letting these mechanical Digimon become the security guards of this world? They need energy...

And breaks can also be arranged.

Just treat it as a normal living being. "

"That's okay...I think it's good!"

"Well, let's do that..."

While exploring the city.

Su Han met Andulumon, a complete Digimon that can communicate.

Then it's much simpler.

He explained things to the other person.

When it means that you have come to other worlds.

Andulumon looked very surprised.

"I didn't expect that we would come to other worlds, so... Sir, do you mean that we want to serve you?"

"Of course, I can provide you with energy! This is what you need, everyone takes what you need...and don't think that we treat you as ordinary machines..."

"That puts me at ease. I will become a manager to coordinate the communication between humans and Digimon."


The city is being repaired.

That kind of big smoking chimney (Nuoli is good) must be cancelled.

This is simply polluting the environment.

It has been replaced by more advanced technology.

Rune power.

Although it is my first time to come into contact with this power.

However, Andulumon is very smart.

It took less than half a day to master it.

And the transformation of the city.

It also goes on continuously.

Scholars and Digimon work together.

Get the city back up and running.

Look at the brightly lit tech city.

People who watched it through the broadcast were completely shocked.

Mechanical city in the desert.

What a dreamlike existence.

Rao Shimiru used to boast that his technology was advanced.

Now see this scene.

He was also stunned.

As for the people of Fontaine, they were ecstatic.

Such technological power.

It's simply fascinating.

Steam Bird News and Su Han's newspapers were sent out.

The Fontaine people wanted to sneak over directly and work in it.

Chapter 683 The shocking birth of New World 01! Change the world's lifestyle

The addition of Digimon is tantamount to enriching the grassroots scientific and technological personnel.

They're not very smart.

But the mastery of machinery and data.

But very amazing.

I didn’t even think of sugar at first.

As an auxiliary Digimon, you will have such magical power.

Their bodies plug directly into cables.

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