But if you want to live a good life.

Then move forward courageously.

Dare to face all problems.

Such a passage.

Let the little medical fairy achieve enlightenment.

Awakening through sight, hearing, and color is the way to fight, and the poison gas attack is too obvious.

And the golden needle.

But very domineering.

It's thin and hard to detect.

Just need to attach the toxin.

You can assassinate the enemy.

But even so.

However, Su Han could still see that the current state of the little medical fairy was still too weak.

Although the fighting ability is not bad.

However, the Little Medical Fairy has a current problem.

Still can't solve it.

Maybe the strength will improve in the future.

Maybe this situation can be changed.

Su Han nodded with satisfaction and did not show up, but left quietly.

Appearing on your own will put pressure on the other person.

It's better to let her grow up slowly.

Return to the world of fighting fire.

A figure came and knelt down in front of Su Han.

"Tell me, what's the matter..."

The person kneeling before him was no one else.

It was Xiao Huo, the time traveler.

"Sir... I want to become stronger! Be stronger than anyone else... I also want to conquer the world..."

Although the divorce did not happen.

But a few years of humiliation.

In addition, his identity as a time traveler was exposed.

The family can no longer accommodate themselves.

This breath was held in my heart.

I even heard someone say a few days ago that he was an old man in his fifties who traveled through time.

It makes the father in this world not want to see him anymore.


Xiao Huo was thinking about the meaning of his time travel?

Finally it dawned on him.


Only strength can bring you a sense of security.

So, there is the current scene.

Su Han naturally knew about Xiao Huo's situation, because he was responsible for all this.

Such a fateful protagonist.

If I don’t do something about it, I’d really feel sorry for myself.

"Okay...but training...isn't as easy as you think. Just follow Katakuri...what others say.

It's a little too early to train you.

Let’s learn the basics of combat first.

Wait until you master the basics.

Let’s learn other martial arts..."

"Yes, sir...thank you for your cultivation."

Xiao Huo said extremely excitedly.

He wants to prove himself extremely now.

As long as there is a chance.

You will definitely be able to use your full strength.

After the other party leaves.

Xun'er came to the front from behind the scenes.

Looking at Xiao Huo leaving, she asked doubtfully: "Sir...does the other party really have potential?"

"Probably a few, but...it depends on him. If he follows his original destiny, he will be able to rise with Yao Lao following him.

But now, I'm afraid it's a little difficult.

After all, he is also a time traveler.

Give him a chance. "

Now Uchiha Sasuke and others are working for him.

The strength of the protagonist.

That's pretty cool.

The only pity is that Naruto didn't follow.

However, there is Uzumaki Kushina and Namikaze Minato.

It makes up for this gap.

Now Minato Namikaze is the captain of his own escort team.

A large number of talents have improved very quickly after being trained by the other party.

Currently on mission in the Fontaine area.

I am very relieved about this.

Time flies by 953 very quickly.

The emergence of new world devices.

Quickly sweeping through the world of fighting fire.

Everyone knows that gods have given powerful magic weapons.

And plundering is useless.

Not that no one has tried.

But after trying, those who snatched were quickly hunted down and killed.

This also resulted in no one daring to plunder anymore.

However, there are always fish missing from the big net.

A new world device was sent to the Mittel family.

After learning this news.

The enchanting blonde woman came directly to the Holy City headquarters.

"You...who asked you to do this? This is something sold by the gods...it would be dangerous to rob it by force!!!"

"Ya Fei... what do you know? That god is indeed very strong, and this thing is also very powerful, but if it can be cracked, we can obtain a lot of knowledge inside..."

"Yes, our people have successfully sneaked into Wutan City. They have even become ordinary residents. According to the news he conveyed, there is countless knowledge hidden in this device.

It can be said to be a treasure of the gods.

We can't defeat the gods, but if we want to send this kind of thing to Zhongzhou, do you know what its value is? "

Looking at the old man with a fanatical expression.

Ya Fei felt cold all over her body.


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