They have all gone crazy.

Didn't God think about the issue of leaking secrets?

Offend the gods.

But it will completely destroy the family.

Chapter 687 Is this the strength of the Gama Empire? The two fighting emperors who were defeated instantly

"Have you ever thought about one thing? Since God created such a thing, isn't there any way to counter it?"

"What are you afraid of...Ya Fei!"

"Gods are only powerful, and this kind of thing is somewhat similar to the void in Xumi. Our intelligence capabilities are still very powerful."

"Women have long hair but short knowledge, huh... Now the top forces in Zhongzhou need these. We just need to send people there.

to gain their protection.

Remember...although those gods are powerful, they are also invaders! "

Looking at the strange elders.

Ya Fei chose silence.

Before she left, she said to everyone: "I'm sorry...I can't go along with you, but I won't expose you either.

Just take care of yourself..."

"Hmph... You don't want to surrender to that god, do you? If you want us to surrender to you... That would be a pity. We won't let you leave your family and the Holy City!"

Looking at the clansmen with livid faces.

Yafei shook her head and said: "Don't worry, I won't leave... I will stay in the tribe."

She has a quick mind.

Of course he knows what his tribe means.

They are afraid of leaving and reporting on their own.

So limit your travels.

But can this really prevent the plan from being exposed?

In short, Yafei didn't believe it.

Although, there are intelligence claims over there.

New World 01 requires signal to cover.

So there is no fear of this device being exposed.

But is it really that simple?

the answer is negative.

Within the residence.

The conversation between Ya Fei and the Miter family just now fell into Su Han's ears verbatim.

That's right.


set to.

This is the power of New World 01.

As for the signal issue.

If he didn't want people to know, then the signal would only be within a thousand miles of the station.

But in reality?

Signal landmark.

It has begun to spread to various places.

Otherwise, what do you think a large army like Diluc and others are doing?

Place signal landmarks as you explore.

This is their real mission.

Originally it was for the smooth communication of battles ahead.

Now it has become an eavesdropping situation.

Listen after the conversation is over.

Su Han said with a smile: "The Miter family...the Jiama Empire? Ha...that empire hasn't sent anyone here yet, right?"

"Yes, sir...there is no news from the royal family so far!"

"In that case... let Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Itachi, Diluc, and Kaia capture the imperial family and those families for me.

Some trash natives really think they are emperors.

I don't have time to ink with them.

Before sunset today, I want to see those people kneeling in this square! "

"Yes, sir!"

The servant immediately delivered the order.

The Jia Ma Empire is only a small part of the continent.

It cannot affect the overall situation at all.

Since the Mittel family and others don't understand.

Then don't blame him.

The front line received orders from Su Han.

Start turning the tables now.

Two cavalry regiments pointed directly at the holy city of Gama.

And Uchiha Sasuke and others also set off.

Such a big move.

No one expected it.

The knights who were still exploring outside suddenly changed their direction.

Then he looked at the direction.

Everyone's expressions changed drastically.

The direction of the Order.

It turned out to be the holy city of the empire.

"No way...We're going to attack so soon?"

"Fast? I feel it's too slow... God Su came to Wutan City, and the imperial royal family didn't care. What does that mean? The Yunlan Sect attacked.

Now it falls directly.

As the royal family of the Jia Ma Empire.

But he pretended to be deaf and dumb.

Huh...I've already expected the ending. "

"That's true..."

Everyone followed him out of curiosity.

Although it is a war.

But no one stopped these bad guys from following.

Almost half an hour passed.

The cavalry finally arrived in front of the Holy City.

After receiving the news, the royal family of the Gama Empire also prepared for battle.

But, before the battle.

A princess came to the battle formation.

"Excuse me, messengers of the gods... who are you?"

"Convey the will of the gods. If you do not respect the gods, you should go to the Holy Land to atone for your sins!"

Uchiha Sasuke took the lead.

Come directly to everyone.

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