Are we right? "

Facing the fox and thunder, I really analyzed it.

Lisa was very impressed.

Because she thinks so too.

Beidou: "Then it looks like I'll have some fun in the future. A powerful artificial human. Then I'll have a fight with it when I have nothing to do. Hehehehe..."

Diluc: "Yes, I also want to see the power of artificial humans."

Su Han: "It just so happens that I can discuss it with World Tree and draw materials from other places to see if I can directly create a demon-level doll."

Mona: "Are you planning to use that ten-thousand-year-old treasure?"

Gan Yu: "How is that possible? That kind of thing is very powerful just by leaving it alone. I think... Su Han should be preparing to use it to extract some of the treasures in the secret realm.

Treasures such as Samadhi True Fire... Earth Vein Ice Bed, only a little bit can create a very powerful existence.

Plus the branches of the World Tree.

At least I feel that after this artificial man appears, even if he does not have the strength of a demon, he will be able to step in very quickly. "

It is very difficult for ordinary people to absorb a little bit of the true fire of Samadhi.

And this artificial man can absorb a large amount of it.

If you can collect multiple elements.

Creating a monster is obvious.

Su Han: "Well... let's take a look first. I don't want to settle for second best. If there are good materials, I will use good materials."

Since the power source chooses Samadhi True Fire and other things.

So the torso and so on.

You can't use garbage.

Chapter 690 Xiyao: Can you hug me? That completely different feeling

Decide on a good plan.

Su Han took action immediately.

This core.

In fact, it is also the type of EVA machine No. 1, which can be molded with some materials first.

It can be continuously improved through various materials in the future.

Such dolls are the most practical.

No need to keep saving up materials for one-time use.

Su Han first went to the Flame Mountain, extracted the strongest cluster of flames on the top of the mountain, and then went to the ground ice bed area.

Extracted a little bit of ice chips.

A seemingly small point.

But it contains countless powers.

Then he went to the World Tree. When the tree spirit learned that he needed to make a doll, he couldn't help but curiously asked: "Does that require very precious materials?"

"'s not that important, just a few branches."

The tree spirit has unconditional trust in itself.

Su Han understood the meaning of her words.

Once you need it, the other party may use the most powerful spiritual fluid "nine-five-three".

But it would hurt her.

The gain outweighs the loss.

The tree spirit heard the words and smiled and said: "Okay... Then use the inferior spiritual liquid to match some of my best branches. I don't know what this doll can become.

Do you need me to design it?

This requires doll drawings, right? "

"Well... that's okay, but... can you really be the designer?"

Su Han was a little surprised.

After all, how long has it been since the other party was born?

Just don't go back and draw a freak.

As a result, the tree spirit put his little hands on his hips and said angrily: "Don't look down on me, Master... My painting skills are even better than Abedo's..."

"Strong...then it's up to you this time!"


The two people extracted some materials and returned to the heaven.

While passing the top of the tree canopy.

Su Han had an idea and said to the tree spirit: "You take your things to Qunyu Pavilion first, and I'll go see someone..."


The tree spirit fluttered away.

And he flew straight to the treetop cabin.

Push open the wooden door.

A world almost a kilometer in size appeared in front of him.

Beautiful piano sound.

came from inside.

This is Xiyao playing a tune.

Since coming to this world, she has completely seen a problem.

Himself and Feipeng.

Completely lost contact.

In other words, Feipeng has disappeared.

Instead: Sedum.

Therefore, even if the other party is standing in front of you.

Xiyao also understood that the other party was not the person she imagined.

"You came?"

Watching Su Han appear.

The other party stopped what he was doing and stood up with a smile.

Compared to Sedum.

The person in front of me appreciates myself more and understands my heart.

Boring days.

Once you have expectations.

In fact, it will become less boring.

"Well...I heard that you have been staying here recently and haven't gone to the lower world to play. What? Do you feel a little out of place?

Do you want me to go for a walk with you? "

"No... I just feel like I can't talk to humans. I'm used to peace and quiet... the noise makes me a little confused. I understand your kindness...

Moreover, TV is very good.

I can see what's happening in the lower world without leaving. "

Xiyao's authority is very high.

Eight stars.

Basically, people like her and Jiutian Xuannv all have this level of authority.

Su Han followed the other person's hand and saw a TV set among the dense flowers.

Really interesting.

He smiled hoarsely and said: "Okay...whenever you want to go out for a walk, I will accompany you..."

"Well, it's not until today that I understand why Empress Nuwa likes you. That kindheartedness...and the power of empathy are something that those aloof immortals and gods don't have.

Can understand the suffering of all living beings.

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