He is a powerful god..."

Xiyao spoke very highly of Su Han.

At least in her opinion.

The other party is more powerful than the Emperor of Heaven.

This strength refers to an extremely strong heart.

Allow others to be better than yourself.

This is a tolerant heart.

For example, Fu Xi always dislikes others and feels that they will threaten him.

In this way, it is impossible to break through.

But the person in front of him was exactly the opposite.

He wants his partners to become stronger.

Take advantage of today's free time.

Su Han stayed with Xiyao for a while longer. During this period, the other party heard about the doll and took out a fruit from his arms.

Similar to Yukimi's.

But there is no soul attached to it.

"This is?"

"The fruit of the sacred tree, but... it doesn't have much power. The sacred tree will leave a fruit every once in a while. It is used to repair the body.

There are also very powerful effects in recreating the body. "

Looking at the sparkling fruit in my hand...

Su Han raised his head and asked, "Can you give me one more?"

He wanted to save King Daci Shu.

The other party has a soul but no body.

If there is such a fruit, it will be extremely simple to reshape the body.

Xiyao nodded lightly and took out another one from her arms.

The same fruit, the same aura.

It seems she saved a lot.

Looking at Su Han's curious eyes, Xiyao smiled and said: "This is the meaning of the sacred tree. It hates Fuxi very much and says that he kills too many lives.

But you are different...this land records many things.

There is war and there is peace.

But not until you arrive.

All that confusion is gone.

So the sacred tree likes you very much. "

"I see... Fuxi's feelings were rejected by the sacred tree!"

Su Han suddenly realized.

No wonder Fuxi is so old.

Feelings are like this.

Su Han stayed with Xiyao for two hours, and when he left, the other party made a strange request.

"Can you give me a hug?"


He looked at each other strangely.

Xiyao smiled faintly.

He said he was not joking and that he had no auditory hallucinations.

"I just want to feel...please me, okay?"

The goddess spoke.

There's nothing wrong with it.

Su Han stood up and put the other person into his arms.

When he touched this goddess for the first time, he felt what it was like to have ice muscles and jade bones.

The other party is a goddess.

There is no normal body temperature.

It felt a little cold in my arms.

And 5.4 and... the other party's heartbeat was obviously accelerating, before he could sense it.

Xiyao left.

She turned her back to Su Han and said, "Okay... I'm tired today, let's see you another day..."

"Well, you have a good rest."

Although Su Han didn't understand what the other party meant.

But looking at the other person, it seems like he feels pretty good?

After he left.

Xiyao looked at her body, which had become slightly hot, and murmured: "Is this the feeling of heartbeat? I'm a little scared...

But there is also some obsession.

It feels different from Feipeng. "

Getting along with Feipeng is a mutual sympathy.

It's pity.

It's self-pity.

But getting along with Su Han is a kind of equality, a feeling of wanting to be with each other more.

This feeling happened to Xiyao for the first time.

Chapter 691 The conversation between Xiyao and Jiutian Xuannv. Does Jingtian want to go to the Fire Fighting World?

When night falls.

When Jiutian Xuannv returned, she looked at the smile on Xiyao's face.

I couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"So happy? Something good happened to you..."


Xiyao shook her head.

Jiutian Xuannv rolled her eyes and said with a smile: "Oh...I understand, Su Han will come over this afternoon..."

"You...how do you know?"

"Hehe... Apart from him, who can come in here? And it can make you feel happy, and it's definitely not that guy Jingtian... The other person, now he wants to travel around in the lower world.

I heard that Su Han opened another world passage.

I guess his temperament will keep him begging. "

Faced with the ridicule of Jiutian Xuannv.

Xiyao did not refute, but said to herself: "There are many women around him... It may not be a good thing for me to get involved."

"But you have to admit that... apart from Feipeng... Su Han is the only candidate who is worthy of you. Although you are closely related to the sacred tree.

But do you really not want to find someone who can understand you?

Don’t you want to know more about love in the world?

It’s very tiring to stay alone like this..."


Calmness is also a kind of tiredness.

Boring days, aimless12.

People will slowly become stupid.

The former Jiutian Xuannv was like that, and everyone became indifferent and calm.

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