Only this feeling.

If Lisa hadn't given a photo of Xiaoqing to Keqing, she would still be working today.

Women are the product of jealousy.

Even a heroic woman like Ke Qing cannot avoid this situation.

At that moment, Qingqing looked at the artificial man similar to herself.

At that moment, she panicked inside.

Is Su Han giving up on himself?

Otherwise, why would we create such an artificial human being?

At that time Lisa asked her how she felt inside.

Keqing couldn't answer.

Then the other party added another sentence.

"It's not difficult to face one's heart. Look at Ningguang...look at Qin...everyone is like this!"


If you don’t understand.

Just leave it to Su Han.

She thought so, so she came to Su Han with a messy mood.

Look at the other person's concerned eyes.

Ke Qing suddenly stayed quietly.

It seems like there is a backbone.

Look at Ke Qing's appearance.

Su Han seemed to realize something, so he took Ke Qing and others on a several-day trip.

After leaving the rain forest of Xumi.

Heading all the way towards the desert.

With great strength, it is naturally not afraid of the drought of the desert.

In constant progress.

They came to the first stop.

The former Aru Village.

This place was originally the site of the Red King. After all the later believers left, it became a transit station.

Leave Aru Village.

It is the more vast yellow sand.

Su Han and others had their lunch in the desert.

Barbecue and rice balls.

That’s what’s delicious today.

Because the meat used is desert scorpion meat.

Although it is highly poisonous, except for its tail, the body of this large scorpion is actually very delicious.

And the meat is more delicious than mutton.

It only requires a little heat to use.

Because Xiangling did not follow this time.

Therefore, the meals were made jointly by Su Han and Ke Qing.

Originally, Yingmei also wanted to help.

But he was stopped by Paimon.

"Why don't you let me go? There's a lot of food today..."

"You're stupid... We need to create opportunities for Ke Qing, so that they can get along with each other for a while..."


Yingmei realized it.

So, I found an excuse.

I went to make juice with Paimon.

In front of the barbecue.

Keqing grills the processed meat on charcoal.

Su Han was handling the ingredients on the side.

And make rice balls.

The two of them worked very well together.

During this period, Ke Qing's eyes were always looking to the side intentionally or unintentionally.

When two people's eyes converge.

Always a cold little face.

But he burst into a charming smile.

“Once in a while, I take a break like this, and I feel like my tense spirit is relaxed... It’s a really good feeling. I always felt

Since it is Liyue Seven Stars.

You have to fulfill your due responsibilities...but that would be too tiring. "

......... ..... ...

Keqing sat on the chair.

Showing a leisurely smile.

Su Han said with a smile: "People can't do everything by themselves, they have to constantly delegate power, and... when our strength exceeds that of this world.

You will find out.

Seeing things from another angle. "

"However, I'm afraid that I will become as ruthless as the devil... That's why I want to do more things!"

The devil is not heartless.

I have seen too much.

It's also numb.

Keqing was afraid that she would become like this, so she always wanted to do something for the people.

Su Han shook his head and said: "I understand your feelings...but we must always look forward. do everything for the sake of the people.

Although tired, I feel a sense of accomplishment. have to understand that you can handle more and bigger things...

As for small things, you just need to let the people you train take care of them. "

"Maybe... So, I will try to do this this time, hoping there will be a good result. Hehe..."

Keqing smiled slyly and picked up the grilled meat skewers.

Wave to the little lolita playing in the sand behind.

"The barbecue is ready, let's come and eat..."




Sisters Rin Tohsaka.

Wait for a group of children to run over.

Looking at the delicious barbecue.

They looked obsessed.

Paimon directly picked up a bunch and started to chew on it.

Juicy and juicy, it explodes in your mouth.

The taste is top notch.

Chapter 695 Ke Qing: Don’t you just want to see me wearing black stockings? I’ll just show it to you.

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