Taking care of the children's meals.

Keqing suddenly felt a sense of family warmth.

"Did you know? I come from a distinguished family and have received an elite education since I was a child, although it is not as strict as the Kamisato Ayaka family.

However, it is almost the same.

Practice martial arts every morning and learn etiquette in the afternoon.

Under the family's attention, I obtained the Eye of God, and then passed the test and became the Seven Stars of Liyue.

Because of this, I had an idea.

Can man replace God?

To this end, I worked hard... even sacrificing time for fun, to prove this idea... However, I experienced what happened to Xumi.

Only then did I understand...the gap between man and God. "

Not a bad idea.

The concept is also very good.

But what about the next generation?

The human heart is greedy.

You can be consistent.

However, others may not.

Everyone has their own selfish motives, but "Nine Five Three" alone does not have it.

Because they transcend the entire world.

In other words, what mortals want.

These gods just don't care.

Therefore, it is the best outcome for gods to govern the world.

If humans are left to do it themselves.

More guys like Dotore.

The whole world is probably over.

Moreover, those sages of mankind.

He prides himself on being smart.

But he almost destroyed the entire country for his own selfish desires, knowing full well that the fools were doing evil.

But he didn't care at all.

So cool.

Really vomiting.

Realize this.

Keqing understands the importance of practice.

Of course, just because I figured it out.

That's why it appears here.

The two chatted for a long time.

Paimon and Yingmei just eat.

Don't interrupt at all.

It made the atmosphere a lot better.

Eat and drink enough.

Everyone continues on their way, with Paimon acting as the joke genius.

King Da Mao drives a carriage.

Su Han and Ke Qing were sitting in the carriage.

Communicate happily.

"If the world of Teyvat is unified, what are you going to do? Are you looking for a way to your own world..."

"No...I can't go back! Although there is no clear answer, I already know! I can't go back..."

This is a kind of enlightenment.

can not explain.

But there is an answer inside.

Ke Qing raised her eyebrows, reached out to grab Su Han, and comforted: "In that case, Teyvat is your home... We are all your family.

Don't be too sad..."

Feel the temperature of your fingers.

Su Han said with a smile: "Your family doesn't object?"

This is a hint.

Keqing smiled and said: "How dare they object? Some time ago, I went back to visit my father, and he even asked me about my life-long events.

But I said, I probably don’t know very well.

Anyway, the old man is not very happy.

But I should be happy this time. "

Look at the hands held by the two people.

There was an extra smile on her face.

Not fully stated.

But this can be regarded as a relationship.

No need to be embarrassed.

Don't worry.

Peace of mind is what makes you happiest.

Just like that, the music floated in the carriage, enhancing the atmosphere for the beauty of the two people.

At this time, Keqing suddenly asked: "In the stories you know, are there any very powerful women? They are very powerful in combat.

And very characterful..."

"Yes...it's a story about a nine-dragon pulling a coffin. Although the story has a twist at the beginning,...the other party is undoubtedly the heroine."

Hear real stories.

Keqing's eyes lit up and she said with a smile: "Let's talk about it before we reach the destination... I'm very curious."

"The Empress's real name is unknown, but she is called ruthless... ruthless to others, even more ruthless to herself... However, destiny is hard to predict.

A life full of twists and turns! "

When Su Han was telling a story.

Everyone also came to the carriage one after another.

Even King Daimao came over.

The problem of driving is autonomous driving.

Don't worry too much.

Everyone was fascinated by what they heard.

However, when it comes to longevity issues.

But King Daimao frowned and said: "Such a powerful world cannot live forever... Is there something wrong?"

"Well, that's how the world is flawed! Their world is inherently flawed... just like the world of Teyvat, but... they can't live forever but they can practice very powerful spells.

All kinds of magical methods.

Very powerful.

It would be great if we could get some..."

Su Han coveted the skills of the world of Kowloon Coffin Pulling.

But that world is too high-end.

It’s not easy to snatch.

Everyone was chatting.

Slowly we reached our destination.

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