It definitely cannot be signed by the emperor.

Because it's too appalling.

He used several beauties from Liyue as contracts to tie Su Han here.

Who would believe it?

However, it happens to be true.

Su Han said helplessly: "Zhongli is not as old-fashioned as you think. Even the most conservative person will find a way to break through when encountering difficulties..."

Zhongli’s identity.

Basically it was exposed.

The only person who doesn't believe that Zhongli is the King of Rock.

Currently there is only one.

That is his little crush Gan Yu.

Well, except for her, everyone in the group knows that Zhongli is the King of Rocks.

It's the default.

It's not the kind of place where everyone respects you

Just treat him like a normal person.

And because of this.

Only in Qingqing can there be such a change.

The emperor is a steady person.

But occasionally I'll get a kick out of it.

Being in the other party's position, Keqing understood that... the emperor also wanted to find a way out for Liyue.

After knowing Su Han's terror.

Just choose some women to restrain them.

This is simply a hugely profitable deal.

Just look at Mondstadt.

It is clear enough how much benefit the acting head of the delegation has brought to that country.

The importance of Su Han.

At that time, let alone them, it will be Zhenjun Liuyun Jifeng.

It is estimated that the emperor will also weigh it.

Because Su Han is too special.

There is a problem with the Teyvat leyline, and the underground in Liyue is not peaceful either.

Every country has problems.

Everyone knows this.

But it is very difficult to break through.

When Su Han, a traveler from another world, appears, there is no doubt that this is the key to solving the problem.

the existence of the other party.

Almost within a month, Liyue had undergone earth-shaking changes.

The world of Teyvat can be so strong now.

Su Han has 90% of the credit.

If the other party comes to the winter country.

Keqing believes that no matter what the conditions are.

The queen will promise.

The two chatted for a long time.

Until late at night, the little lolita were tired of playing.

Only then did he choose to rest.

Arturia and her sister act as parents.

Wiping the hair of the little lolita.

Among them, Ruoruo only let Su Han touch her, which was quite helpless.

After wiping.

Everyone returned to the carriage and fell asleep.

Inside is a small space.

Very spacious.

There are also soft bed quilts.

Basically, girls who have been playing for a day can fall asleep in less than five minutes after lying on it.

And the same is true for Su Han.

After crazy practice.

Take a break once in a while.

Still very comfortable.

The next morning.

Everyone continued on their way and crossed the border.

Then we came to Nata’s country.

The problems in the air immediately escalated by several levels.

Paimon wiped the sweat from his forehead and said speechlessly: "It's too hot, what the hell is this place... It's so hot that I have to put on sunscreen..."

There are volcano groups all over Nata.

So the temperature is very high.

The Yingmei next to her nodded and said: "The Jingji Sea is probably somewhere in Nata..."

There are several places within the world of Teyvat.

It's very scary.

The sea of ​​embers and silence.

Longji Snow Mountain.

Crane view.


These are places of great horror.

A large number of adventurers went there, only to... die inside.

The strong men of the fire system also tried to explore.

However... the power of the Jingji Sea is not something that ordinary people can sneak into.

Su Han came here this time, in addition to simply having fun, he also wanted to see this land of death.

Maybe it will be the same as the Strata Abyss.

There are things that are unimaginable.

Keqing nodded and said: "The Jingji Sea is at the junction of the Three Kingdoms, very far away... According to legend, it is a very terrifying volcano group.

But later because of something.

Volcano groups no longer erupt.

However, the endless desert and the land of ashes still make this place the burial ground of countless brave men! "

Talking about the Sea of ​​Ember Silence.

She also has her own understanding.

I also tried to go there on 953, but things happened a lot later.

There was no way to do it.

Su Han nodded and smiled: "Then let's go take a look. Maybe there will be some good discoveries inside..."

"Hehe...the goal is to set off from the Jingji Sea!!!"

Paimon said enthusiastically.

For places I've never seen before.

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