Everyone is curious.

Maybe there really is a treasure inside?

About three hours away.

Everyone finally arrived at the edge of the Sea of ​​Ember Silence.

This is a dark land.

Endless as far as the eye can see.

The temperature is very high.

You can even occasionally see a wisp of flame rising from the ground.

Yingmei took a look and found that she couldn't see the head at all.

Ordinary people want to survive here.

Undoubtedly, the difficulty is even more terrifying than the Strata Abyss.

"If there is no water source here, one day is probably the limit... No wonder it is called a forbidden place for adventurers!"

"Yes, and you see, the compass doesn't work at all inside. The magnetic field here is very unstable. Once you get lost, you will die completely."

"Let's go...let's see what's in the Sea of ​​Ember Silence."

"Well... let's go."

The group of people drove the carriage towards the Jingji Sea.

Maybe you will meet some people at ordinary times.

Since the opening of the Fire Fighting World and the Fox Demon World.

Those adventurers are naturally not willing to come here to explore.

Compared to the forbidden area where you die.

It still smells like another world.

Chapter 697 The strange scenery of Jingji Sea and the treasures hidden deep in the volcano

There are no living creatures in the Jingji Sea.

Not even bugs.

If there are any, they are probably the dead bones that have turned into fossils.

Walk every distance.

Su Han saw a black withered skeleton lying on the roadside.

Sometimes there is a bag next to the other person.

Sometimes there is only one stone.

His name is engraved on it.

Proof that it is not an anonymous corpse.

But...a large number of them are still nameless bones, with no names left.

It's so pitiful.

Paimeng said with a sad face: "Why bother... knowing clearly that it's not possible, but we still have to die here..."

"This is the courage and hymn of mankind. It's a pity...even if you have the Eye of God, you can't challenge here."

Su Han looked into the distance.

He felt that there were already many monsters here.

It seems to be a problem with the previous fluctuations in the earth's veins.

There are especially many monsters here.

The words just fell.

The dark lion came slowly from a distance.

There are hundreds of them.

Just looking at it gives me a sense of oppression.

Little Sun snorted coldly, stood up and said: "These monsters are the bad guys who kill adventurers, right? Look at how powerful I am.

This time I want you to know.

Captain Sparkle is awesome! "

I saw her little hand grabbing it.

His own plane appeared directly beneath him.

The other little lolita saw this.

I also want to use my own strength.

For example, Tohsaka Rin rushed out with countless gems surrounding his body.

"Star Flash!"

Hundreds of gems exploded forward.

The lions didn't even react.

It was destroyed by the powerful impact.

The remaining monsters were all taken in by Tohsaka Sakura.

It's different from my sister's moves.

Her moves tend to be more gentle.

Because Sakura Tohsaka's attribute is water.

Water splashes all over the sky rose directly, and they turned into countless sharp blades, cutting all enemies.

A seemingly weak girl.

In fact, it's not as bad as imagined.

Experienced tragic experiences.

She cherishes her current family more than anyone else.

But just cherishing it is not enough, you must have enough power to protect it.

to this end.

Tohsaka Sakura has been practicing secretly and silently.

the extent of its efforts.

Far more than her sister Tohsaka Rin.

Su Han could see very clearly that the slashes of those water blades were very fierce.

Every wound is at the enemy's joint.

And the second water blade will fall on the opponent's neck.

Cut off the joint.

The enemy's movement speed will be impaired.

It can be said that even an abyss monster would not be able to resist her attack.

Arturia looked surprised and said: "They have made such rapid progress? How long has it been...〃~"

He and these two girls came to this world together.

And the speed of their progress is simply astonishing.

Ruoruo looked at the fallen monster, shook her head and said, "It's not over yet... The real power is yet to come."

Her senses are extremely sharp.

Naturally capture more enemies.

In the sea of ​​embers and silence.

Creatures don't.

There are many monsters.

The words just fell out.

Tohsaka Rin flashed back.

Along with a wisp of flame, black spiked vines struck directly from the ground.

If she reacts slower.

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