The Yuanshen is different.

You can find the secrets hidden here more accurately.

Those monsters are so terrifying that it is absolutely impossible to abandon this place without a reason.

He closed his eyes.

A soul left the body.

In spiritual vision.

Su Han began to investigate the underground river.

In this dark hollow.

What is hidden?

As he continued to explore with his mental power, a somewhat dim trace of blue light appeared in front of him.

Very hidden.

If not carefully checked.

It will definitely fall because the trace is too small.

"So that's what happened?"

Su Han Yuanshen returns to his throne.

It flew directly over.

The four dharma blue clouds in his hand lit up.

The sword energy poured directly into the ground.

Along with this, the terrifying sword energy tore apart.

Inside the originally dark cave.

But extremely cold gas erupted.

"'s so cold. Isn't this a volcano? How could there be something so cold...Su Han, I'm freezing to death!"

Listen to Paimon's cry for help.

The Sun Sword appeared in the air.

Light and heat are born directly.

Not only does it light up the cave.

They even let everyone see what was inside the shattered cave.

"This is...a dragon bone? But why is it so cold..."

Paimon looked at the huge skeleton with surprise in his eyes.

Why are there dragon bones here?

The knowledgeable Qin recognized the owner of the dragon bone.

"Ice Dragon Brantrell!"

"what is that?"

“A guardian dragon that once belonged to the Winter Kingdom seems to have disappeared during the battle with Kanria... It turns out that he died here.

No wonder those monsters don't dare to invade.

There is indeed a reason, because once this cold air breaks out.

Those monsters will all die. "

Su Han smiled when he heard this and said, "This skeleton is really good... take it back to build equipment."

"If the Winter Kingdom knew about this, they would definitely be very angry, right?"

"It would be better to make them angry to death. They have done so many bad things! This time it is our compensation, no...this is the treasure we found!"

Pamon said with a smile.

Su Han naturally planned this.


The two sides are inherently hostile.

If you don't accept it, fight.

Anyway, he has a lot of demons here.

Don’t be afraid of anyone coming.

The sword energy flew out and directly shattered these skeletons.

A lot of cold air spreads inside the cave.

However, it was suppressed by Su Han before it erupted.

The opponent's body flew out to a huge size.

It's almost the size of a mountain range.

The water source is the result of the interweaving of cold air and heat flow.

Otherwise, there would be no underground river channels formed here.

After collecting all the keels.

In fact, there are still things to solve.

That is the soul of the ice dragon Brantrell!

A large amount of cold air is intertwined with the opponent's wronged soul.

And wanted to break through Su Han's defense.

However, the formation trapped the opponent firmly in the cave.



In the biting cold wind.

The ice dragon still thinks about fighting.

Su Han looked at the unyielding soul and was thinking about a question.

If you reshape the origin of the other party.

Then throw it into the leyline ice bed area.

Will a powerful creature be born?

"No matter... let's just use it as a test anyway. This kind of powerful power is interesting to experiment with!"

Su Han used merit...

Directly wash away the resentment in the opponent's spirit body.

It only requires less than 10,000 merits.

This broken soul of injustice can be completely cleansed.

Just like the six paths of reincarnation.

The soul mark is the same.

However, the reborn soul will forget everything that has happened.

This method is called salvation in Buddhism.

And Su Han turned it into a refinement.

In fact, if you use Buddhist techniques, you can also restore the other party's past memories.

However, this is the ice dragon of the Solstice Kingdom.

Su Han didn't want the other party to regain his memory.

After a while the soul began to shrink.

The resentment and ice began to dissipate.

Su Han gently grabbed the soul and absorbed it into the palm of his hand, the blue soul fragment.

Lying quietly in the palm of his hand.

"Baiwen, find a knight and send your soul into the ice bed of the Earth's veins..."

"Yes, sir...are there any other arrangements?"

"No need, let it stay warm in the station. If it wants to fly away, just let it one else can tame it anyway.

If possible, it would be best to let Kamisato Ayaka send it deep into the leyline ice bed. "


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