Baiwen left holding the soul crystal.

But Paimon and others jumped into the cave where the ice dragon's corpse was to explore.

There is such a strong cracking cold air.

Maybe some treasure will be born.

As a result, they expected it well.

In addition to some cold ores, there are actually many ice plants here, each of which has strong ice attributes.

Not only can it be used as medicine

Some can even do attribute enchantment.

At this time, Paimon found a sphere of ice crystals and quickly called out: "Come over and see what this is?"

"what have you found?"

"It looks like a sphere, and it looks like an egg...Does the ice dragon lay eggs?"

Everyone came to Paimon's side.

Sure enough, in the deepest pit.

There is an egg.

The overall appearance is ice blue.

Su Han put his hand on it, and a faint breath of life came from it.

This turned out to be a dragon egg.

And there is life.

"How about it?"

"It's a dragon egg. It can be hatched, but... it has not had the power to nourish it for so long, and now its vitality is very weak."

Su Han said with a smile.

Chapter 701: The object that Grand Commander Falga is chasing, the artifact: the immortal paradise

"You said this is a dragon egg? But... this... this is too small!"

Paimon looked at the guy who looked like an ostrich egg.

I can't believe this is a dragon!

The problem is, its mother's body occupies the entire cavity.

And now...this one is too small.

Just a little bit.

Who can believe this is a dragon?

Yingmei squatted down, poked the dragon egg with her finger, and said, "Could it be stunted growth? I know that animals are stunted.

The body will become thinner

Is this also the case? "

"Not sure...needs detailed research! Currently...there is no such record in all the information..."

For granulated sugar, use New World 01 to query.

As a result, nothing was gained.

This means that the database does not exist.

As an eight-star authority owner.

She can look up all the information.

But unfortunately...there is no such information this time.

Su Han used his fingers to absorb the dragon egg.

I thought it would be very easy to take it out.

As a result, I found something that didn't seem to be that big.

The weight is amazing.

It is estimated to be about 12 kilograms.

"So heavy?"

After adsorption.

Su Han said with a slight frown.

Then a hazy light appeared in the air, and no figure could be seen.

However, the other party's voice can be heard.

It was a cold, royal sister's voice.

"Whoever you are... I hope you can treat my child well... My body is already very weak and I simply cannot survive.

Hate that dark beast.

It hit my body hard.

In addition, this area is full of is not suitable for children to survive at all.

So I can only pass on all my power to it...

If you want to gain a position or power, just go to the Winter Kingdom to see the Queen.

She will give you everything...

If you lack weapons, just use my remains.

My poor child...

I really want to see you..."

The voice grew weaker and weaker.

Until interrupted.

Paimon scratched his head and said with some embarrassment: "Are we too cruel? We just wiped out each other's memory..."

"Don't be would be a disaster if you keep it."

Although Tohsaka Rin is young.

But the view is extremely mature.

Winter Kingdom is an enemy.

If the other party is allowed to recover his memory.

This is not a good thing.

If you feel guilty about it, you can cultivate the other person's children well.

Isn't this enough?

Things are the same.

Qi Qi nodded and said: "She is already haunted by resentment. Not to mention how much energy it takes to purify the person, if she resurrects the other will also consume too many resources.

Far better than raising a child. "

"Well, I think so too. Let's go... Since there is nothing here, let's go out and continue exploring."


"Then what should we do with this dragon egg?"

Keli looked at the blue balls.

Very curious.

Su Han smiled and said: "Of course I'll leave it to your sister Sugar, let her take it to the heaven... remember to let the tree spirit give her some nourishment.

If there is no problem, send it to the Leyline Ice Bed.

The opponent is an ice-attributed dragon.

The mere chill is nothing to worry about. "

"Well, I know..."

Sanduang put away the space magic weapon.

He turned around and left.

Su Han and others continued to explore this place.

When talking about the destination of Grand Master Falga.

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