It is tantamount to being abolished.

in the screen.

The city of Mondstadt has been given a new look.

A large number of technological products appear on the streets.

The originally sparse population has now become extremely prosperous.

Mondstadt tripled in size.

Then came Yingxiang City, Canyon...all kinds of cities, which made the grand leader unable to believe that this was actually the hometown he had left for several years.

"Is this... is this really Mondstadt? It's really unbelievable..."

"It's Mondstadt. I didn't believe it would be like this half a year ago, but... with Master Su Han, everything can be done. My strength was also cultivated by him..."

"Lord Su Han?"

"'s the one at the back, Qin's husband...a strong man from another world, by the way...he is now the controller of five countries.

Mondstadt, Liyue, Daozhi, Xumi, Nata...are all under his jurisdiction. "

"How is this possible? Hasn't Inazuma already closed the country... Moreover, there is a God of Thunder in that country."

The Grand Master couldn't believe his ears.

Regardless of Liyue.

Still a rice wife.

They will not be managed by a human being.

Diluc shook his head and said: "You don't understand... The current God of Thunder of Daozhu is also his wife... As for Liyue, this is the first country that the other party managed.

It is authorized by Emperor Yanwang.

And we, Mondstadt, were assigned by Lord Barbatos, the God of Wind.

Let the other party manage it.

By the way, Master Fengshen is the brother of Master Su Han.

As for Xumi's Grass God, she is Lord Su Han's sister... That's probably the case. "

Well, the Grand Master was completely silent.

Although I don't believe it.

But the facts are right in front of him.

Look at Mondstadt's prosperity.

He felt as if he had no regrets.

It's a pity that the final expedition turned out to be chasing an illusory dream.

How sad.

"I'm like this... I'm completely hopeless... My body is like this, just like a ghoul."

"To be specific, when the evil in the dome is destroyed, your body will also fester... Now there are two choices, first...

Become a real dead person, and then use your soul body to go to the underworld to practice.

Don't be afraid... Hades is also under my control.

Death is not the end, but another beginning.

As for the second one, it is to create a human body, similar to a machine...or an artificial human, which one do you choose? "

Although Su Han didn't like Falga, the pedantic leader.

But overall.

The other person is not a bad person either.

Not bad for the residents of Mondstadt.

As for the expedition.

They want to rely on holy objects to strengthen Mondstadt.

Everyone has their own ideas, but until the end...who can say that they did something wrong.

Although he has his own way.

Let Mond suffer.

But... without the other party, it is still very difficult for him to control Mondstadt.

The grand leader Falga was silent for a while, and said with a wry smile: "Let's go to the underworld... I will not be accepted by Mondstadt like this...

Can it be announced to the outside world that I died during the expedition?

For the sake of my past achievements..."

Facing the leader's plea.

Su Han nodded and said: "Okay... The Knights of Mondstadt are on an expedition to the Sea of ​​Silence, heading to the terrifying Devil's Sea. They want to find a sacred object for Mondstadt.

In the end, they were defeated by natural disasters.

All died on the island under the sea..."

"Thank you...Master Su Han."

Grand Commander Falga smiled.

Very satisfied with this.

By this time, Yingmei and others had killed all three natives.

Although there is an increase in evil objects.

As a result, they are very strong, but unfortunately...the people they meet are stronger than them.

Several attacks.

He had been completely beheaded.

Paimon flew back at this time and asked: "Su Han, what should we do next?"

"Destroy that sun. After all... keeping this kind of thing is a disaster! Although we like treasures... but forget about this kind of thing."

in the air.

A strong wind appeared.

The four dharma blue clouds appeared in front of everyone.

The powerful fairy sword appears.

It actually tore the palace apart directly.

All the bricks and tiles were shattered and blown apart.

But Su Han has no wind.

Flying directly into the sky.

"Let me put an end to your dreams of nothingness... It is right for human beings to pursue happiness, but don't go astray..."

"Hunyuan slashes!"

Four elements blended into one.

It turned directly into a blue dragon and bombarded towards the sun.

The originally bright and dazzling sun.

After being violently attacked.

Finally showed his prototype.

It turned out to be an eye.

The whole body is blood red.

Constantly releasing sunlight.

And after receiving Su Han's terrifying slash, it immediately shattered.

The light is dim.

The barrier supporting the island also cracked.

The time before the sea water poured in.

A picture emerged in everyone's mind.

At the same time, there was a heavy sigh.

"It seems... I still haven't saved my people... It's a pity..."

The sound was extremely bitter.

At the same time, there is also some sadness.

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