It seems to be the will of the devil.

However, the living dead are not considered alive.

Chapter 707: Everything in the past was filled with hatred and sorrow for Mond

"Why is this happening...With my strength, I can't win the war...Damn it..."

Looking at the demon god appearing in front of him.

The man named Tianhuo let out an angry roar.

Enemies fear his power.

So I wasn’t forced very hard.

However, Tianhuo understands...sooner or later, he will perish one day.

Therefore, he chose a more radical approach.

Even death.

You also need to pull the back pad.

But...I can die, but the believers who follow me are innocent.

So, under his repeated scolding.

His dependents left with their own eyes.

That is something that is united and one with the artifact.

Something that can protect the survival of these believers.

The believers left.

The final picture.

It was the fire that filled the sky, turning the Jingji Sea into a forbidden place.

However, those believers came to the overseas island with their treasures.

So that future believers can find it.

They left behind stone tablets and messages.

It's a pity that he later encountered the disaster of Kanria.

The dark beast is coming.

To protect these people.

That eye wields a unique power.

But it forgot.

This kind of power is unbearable for mortals.

Eventually everyone died.

The island was also silent in the sea due to changes in the earth's veins.

When the scene ends.

The sea water poured in.

Eyes broken.

Everything began to disillusion.

Plants shattered.

Just like the snowflakes.

Then the insects and birds flying in the sky also fell to the ground.

Su Han clasped his fingers.

Kill all the Mondstadt Knights.

All placed in the Dust Song Pot.

Then he said to Qin and others: "It's time for us to leave... If the sea pours in, this place will be destroyed."


Space cracks.

Everyone left quickly.

When returning to the sea.

The once devilish sea has disappeared.

Paimon sighed with emotion: "What a fantastic adventure... I didn't expect it to end like this... the terrifying Sea of ​​Ember Silence.

And this devil's sea area.

They were all created by a demon. "

"How to put it...Actually, if those believers follow other demon gods, they might be able to survive. Demon gods will not express their anger on believers.

For them.

Believers will not suffer any harm.

Whether it's the Rock King or the Thunder Movie... As long as the believers don't cause trouble, they won't care... and they are willing to provide those people with safety.

This is God...

Selfless! "

"It's a pity... I don't know how many people in Mondstadt will cry when I go back this time."

Diluc leaned against the side of the boat, holding a bottle of liquor in his hand.

Drinking alone.

Although the old stubborn is dead.

But he was not happy.

Because many of his colleagues perished as a result.

"It's actually not easy to bring the body back... Moreover, the deceased is gone... Let's mourn in silence."

"Yes, if we don't go, they may sink to the bottom of the ocean for the rest of their lives."

"By the way, have you finished the documentary?"

"Yes, it has been recorded."

"Then go back and edit it and then broadcast it. Although... Falga and others made the wrong choice,... this kind of achievement will still be broadcast."


When arriving in Mondstadt.

It was already evening.

Originally I just came out to have fun.

But I didn't expect that it would turn out like this.

The originally joyful city of Mondstadt.

Suddenly I got the news and stopped all entertainment activities.

Not only that.

As the Pope of West Wind, Su Han actually appeared in the central square and was live broadcasting.

"I want to announce some bad news here. The Grand Commander Falga who went on an expedition... and the knights under his command have been found today...

They fought bravely and worked hard for the happiness of Mondstadt.

It's a pity that it was destroyed by the power of the Skyfire Demon God.

In the end, 80% of the knights were destroyed...

If you have family members who participated in the expedition, you can come to the church near the Mondstadt Knights to collect the ashes..."

This news is released.

Mondstadt fell silent instantly.

The Grand Commander of the Farga expedition.

He actually... died.

Moreover, 80% of the knights who went on the expedition were destroyed.

What happened?

People were very shocked.

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