And the remaining positions.

Only the most powerful people can be challenged.

Hua Sanli: "I don't need to go...compared to fighting, I am more suitable for playing tricks and giving up my position to others.

I think...Qin's strength should be pretty good!

Not only mastering the Noble Phantasm.

Moreover, it is also an auxiliary type. "

Mandrill: "Then who will leave the last spot? I don't have any problem... I don't understand the plot but you can discuss it."

Lisa: "As for the last spot, considering the Warcraft front... I think it's best to let Ning Guang go."

Hutao: "Hey... there's something completely wrong with you. Although Ningguang's strength is pretty good, it's obviously not as good as you, Mandrill and the others.

Doing this...isn't there something. "

Yae Shenzi: "No... I think Lisa's idea is very good. Ningguang fills the last spot, which is very suitable."

Ying: "Do you have any other plans?"

Paimon: "By the way... You guys want to prepare for the last mission. If you defeat the three-pillar goddess, then the next thing you have to face is the six-star mission.

Other than that, condensing light will not have any effect. "

Although Ningguang now has the power of the formation.

However, her physical strength is a flaw.

Not nearly as powerful as the others.

Moreover, to allow her to pass, there must be some kind of calculation.

Combined with the description of the tasks within the group.

Paimon guessed.

The other party must be obsessed with the next mission.

After all, you have to face it.

But the creation god defeated the existence.

It was as terrifying as Fuxi.

Very scary.

Although Nuwa can be summoned to fight,... Tiamat can use infinite black mud as an energy source.

Whether Nuwa can defeat the opponent is still unknown.


After all, behind these unique points.

There has always been someone behind the scenes to manage it.

Su Han: "In that case... let me participate in this world mission... I can go as a heroic spirit, then the second heroic spirit.

Just let Arturia go. "

This is what he promised the other party before.

Just in time the mission can be fulfilled.

That's enough people.

Ten people plus himself and King Da Mao.

This mission.

The calculation has been completed.

Ying: "Then the person we want to defeat, besides Gorgon, must we defeat other goddesses? If we defeat Gorgon.

Then the six-star mission will be triggered.

However, if it is not triggered... Warcraft will actually be born continuously. "

Su Han: "Those things... let's talk about it in the future. It's time for us to do the mission. I have submitted the list and will wait until we go to that world.

It is enough for you to activate the summoning spell directly.

As for the Master.

I'll ask Zhongli to summon him.

Artoria asked Wendy to summon her. "

Although there is no magic limit.

But these two are the strongest people.

It should be no problem.

The discussion ended.

Then start heading to the mission world.

After all, this mission is very long.

Chapter 712 Su Han comes to the mission world, an order from Gilgamesh

When the list submission ends.

Ten people have traveled through time and space to the world of Warcraft Front.

And it appeared in the main hall of Uruk.

Fujimaru Ritsuka and his little crush are worrying about how to resist the monsters.

I was immediately shocked by this scene.

"Hey... what's going on? Why do so many people suddenly appear? Are they all heroic spirits... Why do they feel so strong?"

Ten people.

If it is a heroic spirit.

This is a little too strong.

Gilgamesh seemed to see something.

Thereby showing a smiling expression.

"Is he finally here? The savior I was waiting for seems to have arrived..."

Siduli next to her.

After hearing Gilgamesh's words, he couldn't help but ask: "King... do you know them?"

"Well... it can be considered the contract that was made, and now it is finally completed... Hahahaha, it seems that we will deal with that guy this time.

It has become simpler.

Everyone, are you here to help me defeat the three goddesses? "

Facing the king's inquiry.

Wendy smiled and said: "Of course... But wait a minute... The Heroic Spirit Warlock hasn't been summoned yet, and a very important person is about to appear.

Zhongli, come on..."

"Okay! Heroic Spirit Summons..."

Zhongli launched the summons according to the spell provided by the mission group of the heavens.

Su Han was originally in the world of Teyvat.

Directly feel the adsorption of powerful force.

After obtaining his consent.

Su Han appeared directly in the palace.

Doing the task for the first time.

His feeling was still very novel, after all, he had watched it through live broadcast before.

This time it comes directly.

Fujimaru Ritsuka looked at the appearance of the silver-haired man, and seemed to have a very dangerous feeling in his heart. How could this man be more terrifying than the Venus goddess he met before?

"Well...even though I am a heroic spirit, power seems to have been perfectly replicated. Time is running out...let's divide our forces into three groups.

Fujimaru Ritsuka and Gilgamesh.

To make a long story short, this time we can only defeat three goddesses and let them assist you.

However, the guys in the Blood Temple.

Can’t touch for the time being..〃~.”

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