Merlin next to him asked: "Why?"

"Once the guys inside wake up, the world will usher in an accelerated demise, so... if you want to defeat them, you have to wait until the next time we come.

Otherwise...this time we wake up, we will leave directly. "

Su Han answered the question simply.

But Meilin and Fujimaru Ritsuka couldn't understand it at all.

Fortunately, Gilgamesh understood and said, "Then how do you plan to distribute the teams?"

"Ishtar only needs a large amount of financial reports to bribe him, but... there is no guarantee that the other party will choose to fight, so... in order to save face.

Nasida, Gan Yu, Beidou and Wendy went to conquer Ishtar.

Once that's done, come back quickly.

Wendy and Gan Yu went to the Sun Temple to support.

Nasida and Beidou stayed here to take the next step.

As for the Sun Goddess, let Zhongli, Lei Jingyu, Pandora and Qin go directly.

These four people are very powerful beings in combat.

Defeating the opponent is no problem at all.

As for heading to the Underworld, then I, Yae Shenzi, and Artoria will go there..."

Personnel allocation ends.

Fujimaru Ritsuka frowned and said: "But...if the distribution is like this, you can't beat the goddess of the underworld at all..."

He can tell.

The strength of Yae Shenzi and Artoria.

Obviously not as good as the others.

It can be sensed even by magic power alone.

Su Han smiled and said: "My words...the strength can be better than thousands of troops, doesn't make any sense, let's start the mission.

And the King of Uruk, you should know...after Ishtar was defeated.

You might end up in Hades. "

"Hahahaha... It's okay to know. As long as it's on the land of Uruk, even if it's Hades, it's my territory. I'm just traveling.

I will ask you to do the task.

Everything is left to you..."

Everyone left one after another.

And Ningguang came to Gilgamesh.

"Next, can you tell me... why it is distributed like this, and... what exactly is in the Blood Temple? I believe that man.

So I didn’t ask just now. "

"Once Gorgon is defeated, the Mother Goddess of Warcraft will awaken. Now she is under Merlin's illusion. Even Jin Gu cannot break this illusion.

This is the power of nightmares.

But...Gorgon and Tiamat are linked.

Feel the presence of death.

The other party will wake up immediately.

At that time, all defenses will be useless..."

Listen to what the other person says.

Gilgamesh frowned and said: "I see... No wonder I feel strange, then... what should we do? So far I have used lapis lazuli.

I went all out to create the Noble Phantasm. "

".¨There is no way to stop the other party. If you want to defeat the Mother Goddess of Warcraft, you must drag the other party into the underworld and deprive it of the power of being unable to die.

At the same time, the people of Uruk.

Do you really not need placement?

Especially the one next to you. In the near future, she will become an inhuman monster and eventually die... You had no choice before.

Now you have a choice. "

Gilgamesh looked at his priest Siduri.

The other party also looked surprised.

After a long while, the wise king asked in a low voice: "What can you do?"

"She can leave with us. We have the ability to make people in this world leave completely, but... history cannot be changed.

The Mother Goddess of Warcraft must be defeated.

But she was fine. "

"No!" When Siduli heard that she was leaving, she immediately shook her head and said: "I will not abandon my hometown... In order to survive, I would rather die!!"


"Siduli, what this lady said is right. If it were before, I would indeed follow your opinion, (Nuo Zhao's) but... now we have many choices.

In the end I also died fighting.

But, you have to understand.

If there is hope, I still want more people to live... Do you want to go against my wishes too?

This is my order.

An order from the king.

I command you to live, and live well. "

Looking at the emotional Wang.

Siduli bit her lower lip and finally chose to surrender.

She is one of the King's people.

The king gave the order.

I can't resist.

"That's good. If you can end the battle within two days, then Siduli will leave with you..."

"Yes, at the earliest... within a few hours, the goddess Venus will return!"

Ning Guang said confidently.

However, her expression changed and she said with a smile: "Well, now let's discuss the issue of remuneration..."

She is a business person.

I never make a loss-making transaction.

Chapter 713 Target, Venus goddess Ishtar! Teyvat is at full strength

Inside Ishtar's palace.

This Venus goddess is sleeping leisurely.

Little did she know that soon she would have to work hard for someone else.

About half an hour later.

A voice came from outside.

"Hey... Ishtar, we are here to challenge you, come out and challenge..."


A violent storm formed in the sky.

Ishtar controlled the Noble Phantasm and appeared in the sky.

Look at the people at your feet.

She smiled contemptuously and said: "Challenge the goddess? Is it just a few of you..."

Three-shot gem.

Finished glyph.

Exploded directly.

I originally thought I could push back those guys who broke into my temple.

Ishtar didn't expect that.

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