Quetzalcoatl felt the other's power.

I know that people have recovered their physical strength.

He didn't want to continue fighting.

I heard that the Sun Goddess didn’t want to fight.

Everyone also stopped moving.

Matthew stepped forward and asked: "Sun Goddess...are you really not going to fight anymore?"

"What's the point of fighting? They are all god-level beings... each one is better than the other. Even if I am the goddess of the sun, I can't withstand such a battle."

Quetzalcoatl said angrily.

Although angry.

But there's really nothing we can do about it.

Who can let himself fail the other party?

Seeing that there is no need to fight...

Matthew finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhongli smiled and said: "I thought you were going to continue fighting until exhaustion..."

"Hmph... I am also Quetzalcoatl after all. Even if I like to fight a little crazily, I still have to pay attention to the environment. And you also love human beings, right?"

The battle just now.

Quetzalcoatl has always distracted the people in his camp.

To her relief.

When Zhongli and others were fighting.

We have always protected those humans.

This was also the key to getting Quetzalcoatl to admit defeat.

No matter how powerful you are.

Loving humanity is what makes her willing to admit defeat.

"However, you are really very powerful. You can actually resist my special skills. That move... is my very strong blow."

"No matter how strong you are, there is a limit. And we are not enemies of life and death. It is worth taking the risk to verify your strength. Right?

Miss Lei Movie..."

Matthew looked at the powerful God of Thunder.

The other party nodded slightly.

The four swords just merged into one.

It gave her a deeper understanding of strength.

Although the Zhuxian Sword Formation is currently powerful.

But if you encounter someone who can tear apart the formation, it will become very difficult.

And just after forcibly uniting the four swords into one.

The effect turned out to be quite good.

This made her very happy.

Maybe, in this unique way, I can take a completely different path.

Watching the film of Lei who was lost in thought.

Zhong 5.4 Li looked into the distance and said: "Next, only Su Han is left... He should be fine, right? After all, his current strength is very powerful..."

"Perhaps, he can defeat others without fighting."

Qin said with amusement.

Matthew looked at her doubtfully.

I don't understand what the other person means at all.

Can the goddess of the underworld be defeated without fighting?

No way.

You know, that is a very powerful god.

I saw Qin humming and said: "Why else do you think the old man went there in person? It was because he saw the goddess of the underworld alone and helpless.

Do you want to steal the other person's heart directly?

If this is possible.

But it kills two birds with one stone.

Harvest two goddesses at once..."

Once the subsequent Tiamat War is over.

Su Han will be able to harvest the two goddesses of Venus and Hades.

I'm afraid my face will be distorted by the smile.

Chapter 716 In the duel between Su Han and the goddess of Hades, what should they fight? Let’s go on a date

The land of Hades.

Although there is no Ishtar to lead the way.

However, Su Han still has memory by virtue of his perception.

Still found the way to the bottom of Hades.

Look at the huge door in front of you.

And the surrounding blue lights.

Arturia observed for a while and asked: "Is this the place that leads to the deepest part of Hades and the most gentle goddess Ereshkigal?"

"Well, Ereshkigal is a very gentle woman. Although she seems to be the god of the underworld, but...who can say that the God of Death is not gentle.

Just like our world.

Many gods appear cruel.

In fact, their tenderness is unknown. "

The two of them came to the door while talking.

That door hasn't been opened yet.

Ishtar's voice came from behind.

"Hey...I'm coming, I'm coming..."

"Huh... I finally caught up with you. How come you are so fast? The battle just ended and you have already arrived in front of a door."

"But don't worry...as long as I, Ishtar, there is nothing you can't do..."

The originally cold door.

At this time, it seems that 12 senses the arrival of Ishtar and lights up.

[Excuse me, who is the most beautiful goddess in the world? 】

Without waiting for Su Han to speak.

Ishtar flipped up her long hair and said confidently: "Of course it's me, Ishtar. I am the goddess of Venus...the most beautiful existence."


A thunder of destruction descended.

Ishtar was directly electrocuted.

Su Han shook his head and said: "You are so confident... My choice is the gentlest Ereshkigal! She is the most beautiful goddess in the universe..."

[Ding bell...Correct answer! 】


Like a plot.

Seven times in a row.

Ishtar has been transformed into a toy-sized being.

But Su Han answered correctly all the way.

Because the problems are all the same.

Until reaching the deepest part of Hades.

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