They finally saw the blonde goddess, Ereshkigal with the body of Rin Tosaka.

"You are here..."

"Yes, Goddess of the Underworld, I hope you can break away from the Three Pillars Goddess, join Uruk's side, and help Gilgamesh defeat the Mother Goddess of Warcraft!

I promise...after killing the Mother Goddess of Warcraft.

It can give you Ereshkigal and Ishtar a new life!

Get a new lease of life.

And, don’t be bound by the rules of this world. "

Su Han's speech was extremely shocking.

Neither Ishtar nor Ereshkigal expected this.

" mean we can get rid of the rules? How is this possible...our spirit base is on the Throne of Heroes, and

Even if your strength is like a god.

It is absolutely impossible to do this.


"Okay, Ishtar. We will discuss the follow-up matters later... What do you think of my proposal? Ereshkigal... or the gentle Ailei-chan."

Facing Su Han.

The goddess of Hades is a little shy.

Even if he wants to talk to Su Han.

There are too many people now.

So, she chose another approach.

That's the fight.

"If you want me to surrender, come and defeat me...just like your men can defeat Ishtar."

Ereshkigal is ready to fight.

Su Han didn't dare to be careless, so he nodded and said: "Okay...Ishtar, you guys step back. Be careful not to get hurt by me...even though it is the body of a heroic spirit."

But my power is not limited.

It's been a long time since I fought with all my strength.

They are all a little rusty..."

"He's... very strong?"

Ishtar, who retreated with King Daimao, couldn't help but ask.

Artoria nodded and said: "Su Han is very strong. It can be said that... he is unreasonably strong. Now he... is already at the pinnacle of the gods."

The words fell.

The terrifying momentum completely erupted from Su Han's body.

Although it is the land of Hades.

However, his power came completely like a wave.


Black thunder exploded.

The green clouds of the Four Methods tore apart the space and appeared in his hands.

I saw the tip of his sword pointing.

The terrifying sword energy immediately bombarded the opponent.

Its power is terrifying.

Not only was Ereshkigal unable to move, but even the space was torn apart.

Gravity Fruit.

The power of the underworld.

This is just a greeting.

Ereshkigal exploded with strength and finally dodged when the sword energy came.

Just when she landed.

Su Han's voice appeared in his ears.

"Hey... My knowledge is that I can see the future anytime and anywhere. Don't be careless..."

What a speed!


After reacting, he swung his sword and slashed at the opponent.

As a result, the sword in his hand was as heavy as a stone.

Can't swing at all.

Helpless, Ailei-chan can only use her power.

Until the force of death strips away gravity.

Only then did she take action.

Su Han retreated back, and infinite power exploded in his hands.

Onmyoji reveals itself.

If Ereshkigal is the ultimate death.

So Su Han's power.

It's a whole world.

Don't think that the rules of the magic world are very strong.

The world is within the world of Xianxia.

Their powers come with significant drawbacks.



A world of its own.

And Su Han even possesses the power of Nuwa.

Dealing with Ereshkigal's power is actually very simple.

It's basically a forceful confrontation with the opponent's power.

" are kidding, in the underworld...Ereshkigal's power is invincible. 970"

"Su Han's power is very amazing. He is a person with the ultimate power of life."

"But, even so..."

Just when Ishtar still didn't believe it.

Three strange swords appeared around him.

Each one carries great power.

Su Han summoned his four fairy swords.

The Zhuxian Sword Formation then fell.

Directly isolate himself from Ereshkigal out of everyone's sight.

It can be said that at this moment.

The two of them got some rare time alone.

"Oops...we have all weapons. Do you want to sit down and have some tea? I have delicious pastries and very delicious tea here..."

Su Han sat on the grass.

Inviting Ereshkigal.

Watching the land of the underworld transform into a world of the living.

The goddess couldn't believe her eyes.

"This...this is..."

"My power, using the formation, temporarily changed the world, well... you can understand it as, I let the world descend to the underworld for a period of time.

Although somewhat repulsive.

But that doesn't stop us from dating.

Do you want to sit down? "

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