"You want it too?"

"Well...after all, she has it, so I..."

Looking at Ishtar who was speechless.

Su Han couldn't help but shake his head.

This woman is so jealous.

But in order not to fight in the future.

He still gave the other party the things he had prepared.

See the space bracelet.

Ishtar finally smiled.

After returning to the palace.

Su Han began to discuss with Gilgamesh and others how to deal with the Mother Goddess of Warcraft.

"So, before the next mission comes, we probably only have one month, right..."

"The time depends on how long you can resist. We will not come until the Mother Goddess of Warcraft awakens. This is a problem."

"But what if it is activated now?"

"Then we will leave directly and not be able to come."

Jin Shining couldn't help scratching his head.

What a troublesome rule.

Siduli next to her asked: "So, it's actually those monsters that are harassing the people. Can we resist them, right?"

"Yes...by the way, that guy Jin Gu can be used. Those evil monsters will not agree with him...so you can win over him then.

And the opponent's Heaven's Lock is very useful.

Burning yourself can restrain Tiamat. "

"Defeating Gorgon is very simple, and that's why Anna came, but... once Gorgon is killed, then... it symbolizes the end of Warcraft.

The existence of black mud is the most terrifying thing that can destroy life.

A servant who is inferior in strength.

The summons must be lifted, otherwise these people will become Tiamat's flags.

If we want to stop Black Mud, we can also do some tricks, provided that we won't be discovered.

Nasida, how are you handling it? "

"The rainforest of life has been drained. I moved it to the city so that it can continue to recover during the battle.

Even this king.

Will also be buffed.

As for the coast... I wonder if Zhongli and you have made any preparations? "

Everyone looked at Emperor Yanwang.

After all, if you resist black mud.

His method is the safest.

"Well... I have deployed a large number of defensive fronts. Although I occasionally encountered enemies, they were all killed..."

"My words have corroded several monsters. But... the smell is really unpleasant, as disgusting as the abyss."

Pandora also gave the answer.

As for Lei Movie, he coordinated with Ningguang to arrange formations one after another.

At that time, we can hinder the footsteps of the Creator God.

Su Han nodded and said: "Then... let's arrange it while there is still some time. The progress of this mission was not good, and it only took half a day.

Before tomorrow evening.

We need to get out of here.

(bcfe) Until then, let’s work together. "


Everyone started working enthusiastically.

It is worth mentioning that.

Here everyone also knew that Ishtar had lost the Bull of Heaven.

When Gilgamesh heard this, he became furious and began to curse.

"You stupid goddess, why do you think we bribe you? That Bull of Heaven is the greatest fighting power we need..."

"But...but I really can't find it. I've searched all over the land..."

Looking at the goddess with circles in her eyes.

Su Han comforted him: "Stop scolding... It's normal that Ishtar can't be found, because... the Bull of Heaven was summoned by her from another era.

Therefore, naturally it cannot be found. "

"Ah? How could this happen..."

Ishtar was extremely annoyed.

The person who stole the cow turned out to be himself.

This is unbearable.

Everyone couldn't help but chuckle.

Someone who can do something so out of place.

Probably only Ishtar.

However, Su Han still reminded: "What I want to tell you is that if I take you out of this era, you will only have this part of your soul.

Ishtar from other eras cannot leave. "

"Yeah...I know, I know..."

The goddess Venus is very knowledgeable.

Face to face with an all-knowing and all-powerful being.

She was very happy.

In the midst of small talk.

Su Han began to deploy a large number of formations in Uruk.

As for the materials.

Of course Gilgamesh came to dig it out, but he didn't have that many spiritual stones to protect the city for him.

Fortunately, the other party is the strongest king.

There are all kinds of gems.

Although not as good as spirit stone.

But it’s better in numbers.

To protect Uruk.

And the God who bound him.

Most of the formations Su Han chose were those with trapping and earth attributes.

This way.

Just keep slowing down enemy attacks.

It will definitely be very beneficial in the future.

Seeing Su Han sweating profusely, Siduli couldn't help but step forward to wipe his sweat.

The other party is working hard for Uruk.

Naturally, I was grateful for her words.

As for General Thunder and Lightning, he and Thunder Movie were cleaning up those monsters in the distant city.

This can also slow things down for a while.

The day and night passed quickly.

Su Han arranged more than three thousand formations. Merlin and Dr. Armani couldn't help but marvel at the craftsmanship.

"It's too strong..."

"It's so amazing, a power even more powerful than magic. Is this magic? It's really powerful..."

"It's composed in batches and can be integrated into one at the same time. It's really mysterious..."

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