"No wonder Su Han is so powerful, but his magical power is amazing.".

Chapter 719 A gift given to Matthew, liking and liking are different concepts

The array layout is over.

Gilgamesh also had people prepare fine wine and dishes.

at the night party.

Everyone laughed and laughed.

Temporarily dispelling the sadness of the end of the world.

"Today is a day of great joy for Uruk, and it is also the day when my king's friends arrive. No matter what the future holds... we Uruk people must enjoy it to the fullest..."


People started cheering.

Then move towards the commotion.

Watching the atmosphere become more and more lively.

Gilgamesh sat next to Su Han and asked, "If I go to your world, will there be room for these people?"

"Huh? You don't want to be the King of Heroes anymore..."

Su Han looked at the other party with some surprise.

The golden sage king twitched his lips and said with contempt: "The world can no longer accommodate me... just like the end of the age of the gods.

In fact, it is the ebb of the magic power.

I can feel that even if the war ends perfectly.

Uruk will also end.

It is destiny... nay, necessity as the world evolves. The common people will survive for a while...but the world of gods will completely leave.

I have that power within me.

Even if the world allows it, the rules will not allow it. "

If it were before, Gilgamesh wouldn't know this.

However, now...the wise king has expected it.

What will your future be like?

If you leave at this time.

Maybe a good choice.

Su Han was silent for a moment and said, "Going to my world is not about gaining freedom... You will be under jurisdiction, do you understand?

It is impossible to be as free as Uruk. "

Faced with his remarks.

Gilgamesh laughed heartily.

"Hahahaha... My friend, you don't really think that I am a tyrannical bastard, do you? The problem now is. If I don't leave,

He will die...

Dynasties will also fall.

Otherwise, what is freedom?

Besides, you won’t use me like a slave, right?

Give me an island and be free..."

"That's it... That's okay. I'll pick you up next time, Matthew... Come here, I have something to do!"

"What's wrong? Senior!"

Watching the school girl walking obediently.

Su Han touched her head and said with a smile: "Follow me... I have something to tell you. Once this matter is dealt with, we will leave..."


Come to the empty next door.

Ma Xiu didn't know what Su Han was going to do.

But she understood that the other party would not hurt her.

Because Su Han-senpai is a gentler person than Fujimaru Ritsuka-senpai.

"Your body cells are always aging, right?"

"Yes, senior, as a merged heroic spirit human, my cells have been aging, and the age of eighteen is already the ultimate.

However, that is normal.

Now I...

It seems that I can't hold on to that age. "

When talking about his life experience, Matthew's expression became a little gloomy.

She is a specific IVF baby.

The body is now often in coma.

Now comes the singularity.

It's nothing.

However, she is now... almost over.

Su Han nodded, and a very special spell appeared in his hand.

At the same time, there is an indescribable powerful vitality.

appeared in the air.

Matthew looked at the light group.

Show a surprised expression.

Because of the appearance of this green light, many flowers and plants even appeared on the ground.

"Senior, this is..."

"A branch of the World Tree is also rich in the blessings of the tree spirit. It can keep ordinary people active for thousands of years. It is a gift from me.

Although we met for the first time.

But, Matthew..."


"You are the strongest girl in my opinion. You shouldn't feel physical pain every day. Just live well... This is my gift to you."


Press your palms on the other person's abdomen.

Clear light.

Madness surged into Mashu's body.

After all, she is just a girl.

A very ordinary girl.

Because keep the faith.

Therefore, he worked very hard to protect Fujimaru Ritsuka.

Even the Demon King formed after encountering the Magic King's corpse.

He never moved his feet.


Within Chaldea.

Romani, who was observing Su Han, fell into deep thought.

The woman next to her was surprised: "I'm so curious... Mashu's body values ​​are increasing crazily... And this is amazing.

You can grant ordinary people a thousand years of life at will. "

"I think it's more than that. I'm afraid Mashu has surpassed humans."

The doctor said calmly.

And so it is.

When Su Han put down his palm.

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