On Mashu's fair skin, a green pattern slowly appeared.

· ··Asking for flowers····· ····

Divine and beautiful.

At the same time, Mashu felt the magic in his body.

It seems to be a very scary state.

"Senior, my body...it has become so strange...so powerful..."

"Well, but don't worry...this is a normal thing. Just work hard...it's time for me to go back and hope for this gift.

Can make you feel happy. "

"Wait, senior..."

"What's wrong?"

Su Han stopped.

He looked at Mashu with a puzzled expression.

I saw the other party hugging me from behind.

The voice was extremely choked.

"Senior, why are you so nice to me...it's obviously...it's just the first time we meet."

She is very upset now.

............... 0

On the one hand, I like Fujimaru Ritsuka-senpai.

On the one hand, it comes from the worship of Su Han.

Although we only met for such a short time.

However, there seems to be something about the other person that is attracting him.

Even the little things.

Matthew also felt that he was taken care of.

Feeling the girl's confusion.

Su Han touched the other person's palm and replied: "I like it...so, I don't want to make you sad...is this answer enough?"

"Hmm...is that just that?"

"If anything else, I just feel like I like your persistence very much."


After hearing such a reply, Matthew seemed to understand something in his heart.

She murmured: "Senior, thank you for your love..."

Didn't do much though.

However, my mind seems to be slowly becoming determined.

Senior, it seems that he likes me as a man and a woman.

When Su Han returned to the palace, he informed Ai Lei.

When the other party chooses to surrender.

The mission is finally completed.

The news also came.

[Ding... Congratulations to all of you for completing the five-star difficult team mission in the heavens and receiving the mission point reward: 900,000 points. 】

[Tip: You can choose to return directly, or you can choose to stay for a while. 】

[Remarks: The stay time is thirty-eight minutes. 】

Look at the news in the Zhutian mission group.

Everyone did not hesitate and chose to leave one after another.

Siduli entered the Dust Song Pot first.

Watching the rays of light disappear.

Jin Shining said: "Looking forward to the next encounter...even though it will be the destruction of the country." Guang.

Chapter 720 The first gift of world consciousness, the simplified version of Throne of Heroes

Return to the station in the world of fighting fire.

Su Han opened his eyes first. After all, he came in the form of a heroic spirit.

Then there is Artoria.

Take a trip to the Age of Uruk.

Very good for her.

Get in touch with the customs and customs there.

Appreciate the power of the gods in your own world.

Compared to her time.

Uruk has actually shown some problems.

Su Han looked at the calm-looking Daimao King and asked, "How was this trip?"

"I originally thought that I made up the concept of ebbing spiritual energy because I was deceived, but now it seems...our worlds are all incomplete!"

Artoria couldn't help but sigh.

The age of gods disappears.

Even Uruk is not allowed to exist.

Thinking about it this way, what is actually left?

Just a bunch of mortals.

The tolerance of the "970" world is constantly shrinking.

In fact, at that time, my wish... was basically impossible to realize.

Stay in this world.

This is the truly perfect ending.

Of course, if you are more stubborn.

Most likely it is.

In that world, we are waiting for the demise of the spiritual base.

Destroyed together with the Throne of Heroes.

Su Han looked at Artoria with firm eyes and said seriously: "I would never lie to the people around me, especially about such an important matter."

"Then...can I ask you something."

King Da Mao's eyes dodge a little.

He seems to be considering whether he should ask this question himself.

Because it represents Su Han's absolute secret.

If you ask yourself, there is a high probability that the other party will not tell you.

But if you can get the answer.

Then your own guilt will sink forever.


It is always the only way to impress yourself.

As the King of Knights.

As the king of the former empire.

She also needs an absolute reason to convince herself.

I had been indecisive before.

But it's different now.

Uruk verified.

This proves that Su Han is serious about himself.

Therefore, she still needs a conclusive evidence.

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