Come and give yourself the answer.

Su Han didn't hesitate and said with a smile: "Just tell me...I will tell you everything you want to know today..."

"Okay! What will be my final outcome..."

"Participating in the next Holy Grail War, if I hadn't intervened, that would be it... destroy the Holy Grail and know your true ending.

at that moment.

The man you are going to defeat is the King of Uruk.

Gilgamesh, and the people participating in this Holy Grail War are Tohsaka Rin and others. "

"Okay! May I ask...if I have a partner in the future."

"No, but there will be people you like. However, in the end, because you recognized your ending and chose to leave, the other person also has someone they like.

However, in that world line

The other party chose to save people and sacrificed himself to become a heroic spirit.

You even became partners in that war game. "

Su Han never hesitated in his answer.

This makes people understand.

There was never any deception in what he said.

"So, the last question... Why do you know everything and have all the power? This is my last question! It's okay if you don't want to answer...

I know this is your secret...

Even if you don't say it, I will still be willing to stay by your side.

No matter what the task is, I will carry it out and be by your side. "

He looked at Arturia whose eyes had softened.

Su Han said calmly: "Omniscient and omnipotent is actually not a good thing, and... I have also told others that in my world.

You exist like a book.

Every story is like this.

Not only can I watch it, but other people can watch it too.

But, if they traveled through time, would they have the power like me?

That's unknown. "

"That's it...Thank you for trusting me and telling me all your secrets. I will also give you my loyalty. Work hard without complaining...

I can even be your bodyguard. "

Arturia suddenly realized.

Then she smiled.

This is a frank disclosure.

Moreover, she can see through people's actions.

Total failure.

from now on.

He just believed in Su Han so much.

After bidding farewell to Artoria, everyone returned one after another.

Su Han, on the other hand, directly received the reward for this mission.

[Ding... Congratulations to the group members for completing the five-star team mission in the heavens. As the group leader, you will receive an additional reward for the mission: 300,000 points. 】

[Ding... Congratulations to the group members for completing the five-star team mission in the heavens. As the group leader, you will receive the mission reward: a simplified version of Throne of Heroes...]

[Simplified version of Throne of Heroes]: The supreme treasure from the magic world, but... this is a suggested version, so it cannot accommodate the soul of the entire world.

[Introduction]: A simplified version of the Throne of Heroes, which is a thing created by the will of the world in the magic world. It is a supreme treasure used to collect powerful souls and let them work for the world.

Although it is not a complete version, it has all the abilities that should be possessed.

Not only can it hold a thousand dead souls

Some souls can even become heroic spirits and exist in the world.

[Introduction]: The soul stored in the simplified version of the Throne of Heroes can exist forever. Even if the soul is destroyed, the spiritual base can be regenerated without being destroyed.

At the same time, as the owner of the simplified version of Throne of Heroes

Have the right to decide whether the spirit base exists or not

Once the spiritual base is broken, you will never be able to summon the heroic spirit.

[Tip]: As long as the simple version of Throne of Heroes is summoned, it can automatically search for the existence of souls, even some souls that have died too long ago.

Everybody can be summoned

However, if it is a very powerful soul, it can resist the summons

The dividing point lies in the power of the controller

[Remarks]: If you choose to search for souls, the current range is up to one thousand kilometers, but you can have a soul detector.

Currently, a total of six can be released

If you want to increase the number, you need to increase the level of the simplified version of Throne of Heroes.

This item requires soul treasures to be improved

[Reminder]: Every heroic spirit can be summoned by the host's spell 5.4, and anyone who masters the spell can also summon heroic spirits, but...

Each heroic spirit has its own personality

Once the bottom line is reached, the contract may be terminated

[Special]: The simplified version of Throne of Heroes is a gift from the magic world specially prepared to thank the host!

Su Han was slightly startled.

"What do you mean? The simplified version of the Throne of Heroes...was given to me by Alaya."

He didn't expect that.

The treasure of the system.

It turned out to be given by world consciousness.

This is the first time I've encountered it.

Could it be because of what I did?

Very consistent with world consciousness?

Think so.

They don't seem to want the world to be destroyed.

Similar to, I can only be macroscopic.

But there was no way to stop it.

His own appearance satisfies the consciousness of the world.

Chapter 721 The Throne of Heroic Spirits was successfully placed, and the first heroic spirit to be resurrected: Yuri Sasa

Looking at Su Han in a daze.

Qin, who came back from outside, couldn't help but ask: "What's wrong? Did I miss something..."

"'s just that I didn't expect that the reward for this mission would be this kind of treasure."

As he spoke, he displayed the treasure.

The existence of a simplified version of Throne of Heroes.


Qin couldn't help but be surprised: "This... this thing can actually exist, and... it can also absorb fragments of the soul. If I read it correctly

Is it possible to have it.

Can you summon those who have died? "

If only this could be done.

That was really scary.

From ancient times to the present, how many heroes have died in Liyue, Mondstadt, Daozhi... and other countries.

Not to mention the Yakshas.

Even the immortals perished in large numbers.

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