It has been transported to the Throne of Heroes.

And after receiving the news.

Hua Sanli hurried to heaven. 970

When she arrived, she found that a large number of people had gathered here.

At the same time, there are a large number of heroic spirits.

Rice wife's fox clan.

His former tribesmen have now been resurrected.

See yourself coming.

These warriors of Sky Fox and Earth Fox knelt down to salute.

"See Lord Huzhai Palace..."

"Get up!"


Everyone quickly moved out of the way.

When Hu Zhai Palace came to the Palace of Heroes with trembling heart.

A familiar figure.

appeared in front of her.

The other person has beautiful long hair.

The body is a very light armor.

That tall figure gives people the feeling of a fierce general.

Can't go wrong.

It must be him.

"Hey... Sasa Yuri!!! Didn't you feel that this lady is coming..."

" turns turns out to be the Fox Palace, turns out you have also become a heroic spirit? I'm really sorry...

It was really impossible to defeat Orobas at first.

This leads to..."

Sasa Yuri wants to continue talking.

In the end, he was knocked down by Hu Zhai Palace with a punch.

"You bastard, don't you know how to leave it to Ying!!!"

"I'm really sorry. I didn't think about it that much at the time..."

Sasa Yuri scratched her head.

He looked at a loss what to do.

Chapter 722 The resurrected Yuri Sasa and the fragile Tora Chiyo

"You still have the nerve to say... Your death directly left Inazuma's Tengu clan without a successor..."

Looking at the angry Hu Zhai Palace.

Sasa Yuri has no temper at all.

After all, he just couldn't deal with this fox in the beginning.

Especially now.

"Hey... your body doesn't seem to be a heroic spirit... I heard before that you are dead... What is this?"

Looking at Hu Zhai Palace's body.

Sasa Yuri had doubts.

Could it be that someone resurrected Huzhai Palace?

He was the first to die.

I only heard about this from others after I was resurrected and became a heroic spirit.

Huzhai Palace and others also died one after another.

Especially that guy Torachiyo.

It was because of resisting the disaster in Kanria that he lost his mind, and now...I don't know where he is.

He searched for a long time.

Neither of them exists.

Fox Sai Palace hummed softly: "It's good that you know you're wrong... Wait a minute, that guy Tora Chiyo probably fled to the deep mountains and old forests.

It takes a while to search for souls. "

"Well...that's all. By the way...your body?"

"My husband resurrected me. After he died in the black mud, he barely survived by relying on the powerful secret method of the Baichen clan.

But there was only a hint of thought.

It was him, after discovering my existence.

Then he began to continuously cultivate with soul power.

I can be resurrected now...

I can't live without my man. "

"Huh? You have a man... Oh my God, it's unbelievable... You actually have a husband!"

Sasa Yuri was completely astonished.

Because in his eyes.

This woman in Hu Zhai Palace is the most difficult to deal with.

Basically no man can conquer her heart.

Even drunk sometimes.

he had also asked.

What kind of person can win the love of this fairy fox?

As a result, Huzhai Palace said this at that time.

"If you want to win my heart, you must be the most powerful man in the world, and... you must not only be strong, but also smarter than me..."


How is this possible?

However, looking at it now.

It seems that Huzhai Palace has completely fallen.

Look at her appearance.

When she mentioned her husband, her face was full of happiness.

He even looked eager to try.

I wish I could ask you.

Therefore, Sasa Yuri could only meet the other party's request.

At the same time he was curious.

Who is the husband of Hu Zhai Palace?

"Your husband? Who is he..."

"Well...that's the one we're chatting with...the one with silver hair, by the way...he's also the owner of the Throne of Heroes.

Without him.

Not only can I not be resurrected.

Neither of you can exist..."

"Okay, but... you really don't mind if he hooks up with other women!"

Sasa Yuri saw it very clearly.

The man with silver hair was chatting happily with a woman.

Look at that affectionate energy.

Definitely not an ordinary person.

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