As a result, Huzhai Palace's answer surprised him.

"Oh...that is the Eightfold Divine Son, and she is also Su Han's woman...By the way, Shadow also his woman!"


Sasa Yuri looked in disbelief.

God of Thunder.

That is Inazuma's god.

Moreover, Lei’s silly look in the movie.

She actually found a man too.


Why is it the same as Huzhai Palace.

And the Yae Shenzi... isn't he the child of the Immortal Fox clan?

Looking at Sasa Yuri's dull expression.

Huzhai Palace covered his mouth and smiled: "Looking at you like this...forget it, let me explain to you what happened to us..."

Sasa Yuri was very puzzled at first.

But I heard it later.

But he truly understood.

Su Han.

A man who changed the world.

After everyone around Lei Movie left one after another.

Inazuma is an originally powerful country.

Instantly sluggish.

Only Miss Yae is supporting herself.

It can be said.

At that time, Su Han did not exist.

What will Inazuma look like now?

No one can tell for sure.

"Sigh...yeah, Ying is not good at being's easy to be deceived by just relying on force!"

"Yes, we are willing to marry Su Han not to repay him, but also because we are attracted by his kindness and gentleness...

A man who is willing to go through fire and water for others.

Who wouldn't like that? "

"Well, that's true..."

Just when two people were reminiscing about old times.

Another familiar figure appeared in front of everyone.

The other person has red skin.

There are beautiful horns on the head.

Under the white dress, although it is a bit flat.

However, this figure made the two rice wife generals start to cry.

"Hey... Ogochiyo!!!"


Hear your partner's voice.

The woman's body trembled instantly.

I originally thought that she would turn around and recognize him and the others.

As a result, Gogochiyo wanted to escape from this place.

Hu Zhai Palace saw the other party's movements.

Intercepted directly in front of her.

".¨Don't look at me...Don't look at me...I'm an idiot...I'm an idiot!"

Look at Yugochiyo looking like this.

Not only did Huzhai Palace not laugh.

Instead, I felt a little distressed.

"Are you...still dwelling on the past? Don't that time, you were mind-controlled because you were protecting Ina Wife.

The root cause is not with you at all. "


Yugochiyo raised his head, his eyes full of fear and fear.

Because she committed a great sin.

That is to draw a knife towards Lei Movie.

Although he was defeated in the end.

However, in the eyes of others.

He betrayed his wife.

Just when Gogo Chiyo was about to say something.

Thunder movie came from afar.

"Are you all resurrected? This is really good news, Su Han... Come here (from Nuo Zhao), my friends are resurrected. Let me introduce them to you..."


Looking at the two people who are so intimate.

Gogochiyo chose to lower his head.

Because she still didn't dare to face Lei Movie.

On the other hand, Su Han said to her: "It was really not your fault at the beginning, Yingya never blamed you... Don't blame yourself, in fact, after you disappeared...

Ying also sent people to look for you. was not found in the end.

that time..."

"I am already dead, because the dark power made me crazy... In order not to destroy Dao Wife, I... chose to commit suicide."

Gogochiyo said calmly.

It seems to be telling a peaceful little incident.

But everyone can understand.

How desperate this most beautiful woman must have been back then.

A person silently licks his wounds in the dark.

Seeing myself unable to resist the erosion of darkness.

In the end, he chose death.

Chapter 723 What happened to Tora Chiyo and the recovery of the Yaksha Immortals

Tora Chiyo heard what Su Han said.

Then he slowly raised his head.

She looked at each other and then at Lei Movie.

This good sister.

Until the other person smiles and nods.

The guilt in Tora Chiyo's heart finally dissipated.

She stepped forward and hugged Lei Qian.

He burst into tears.

That sad voice.

Su Han didn't even think of it.

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