"I really...really didn't mean it at the beginning, wuwu...it was obvious...it was clearly killed from the opponent's body."

"But, the other party's blood really stinks, so smelly..."

"I didn't even drink that guy's blood. It entered my body along the wound. That's how..."

Under the other party's narration.

Everyone finally understood what the monster was like.

It was a monster with a very hard skin.

Even if it's a thunder movie, it's cut with a knife.

It's also hard to hurt.

Moreover, there were not just one or two monsters like this in the disaster caused by Kanria at that time.

Even if Lei Movie has killed one.

There are other monsters not killed.

Ever since, Chiyo took action at that time.

It's almost like risking one's life.

Directly entered the other party's body.

Want to destroy it from within.

In the end Chiyo won.

Unfortunately, the dark blood entered her body from the wound.

Under that situation.

Chiyo had no time to heal.

970 didn’t even have time to tell Lei Movie.

We can only rise up.

Continue fighting.

Maybe it's the ghost's amazing power, or maybe it's her strong will.

Anyway, I persisted for a long time.

In the end, many monsters were killed in a series.

And until the disaster ends.

When Tora Chiyo discovered the problem.

It's too late.

Her body was out of control.

Bloody evil power.

It continues to influence her.

Ever since, there has been a situation where the sword was drawn against the thunder movie.

"At that time... I wanted you to kill me. I really couldn't control it... It was true..."

"I understand, so...I wanted to let you go."

Lei Momo caressed each other's tears.

Said gently.

She was helpless at the time.

I want to save Chiyo, but I have trouble with my own thunder.

Doesn't work at all.

If it was Zhongli, he might use a rock gun to suppress it.

At least save one life.

It's a pity that she is in a thunder movie.

All he can do is kill.

I hope to cut off a horn in exchange for the other person's sobriety.

But the result was naturally a failure.

In the end, Tora Chiyo was taken care of?

In fact (bcfe) it was just her choice to commit suicide.

While there is still the last shred of sanity.

Therefore, in the end, what was presented to Lei Movie was a broken knife.

"So, how about resurrecting her now?"

Lei Movie looked at Su Han.

She couldn't bear for her companion to survive as a heroic spirit.

Su Han shook his head and said: "It's not possible yet... She has the power of the soul, but there are not enough materials to shape her body...

Light is the material of the World Tree.

There is absolutely no way to save the other party.

To put it simply, World Tree does not have enough materials...

Unless everyone goes to fight the Spiral Tower of the Heavens.

However, you also know...the recent points are not enough. "

In fact, he was also a little helpless.

Now I want to buy level 4 treasures with my points.

However, it is very difficult to save up.

For example, to resurrect Tora Chiyo and others.

The treasures needed are not just a tiny bit.

Hear about this.

Tora Chiyo said quickly: "It's okay, just live like this for the time being... Moreover, the Throne of Heroes exists. We will not die.

I feel pretty good..."

"Well, me too!"

Sasa Yuri next to her also nodded quickly.

It's enough to be happy to see Lei Qianqian and others again.

Why would you pursue other things?

That's enough for now.

Upon hearing this, Lei Movie sighed: "That's all we can do for the time being... It's enough to continue working hard in the future."

"Well, we can resurrect them later when we have enough materials..."

After Su Han finished speaking.

There is also good news from the side.

Three figures were born from the throne of the heroic spirit.

They are the remaining three of the five night inspectors.

【Difficulty in cutting】



"This...isn't it obvious that I'm dead?"

Fire Rat General Ying Da looked at his body with a puzzled expression.

The last one in memory.

He perished in the wilderness.

Then there is no more.

What exactly is this?

Next to him, Fanan looked at Mi Nu, with a trace of tears on his face.

"I'm sorry...I didn't mean to do it..."

"I know, me too...I feel the same way!!!"

Both of them burst into tears at the same time.

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