Even if it's like Yura.

It is estimated that Zhongli will not be too resistant.

Ruoruo always likes to pretend to be a child.

This is what it looks like in the end.

It's not without reason that Zhongli has been single all his life.

The other person closed his eyes.

The body is constantly being reshaped.

After all, he is at the level of a demon.

Even if there is a Hall of Valor.

Resurrection also takes time.

It lasted for a full hour.

Finally her body froze, she opened her eyes and looked at the group of people in front of her.

His eyes were filled with astonishment.

"Huh? Speaking of which... wasn't I dead? How could I be resurrected... It was a dream..."

The last moment of memory.

It was himself who fell into the glass lily.

He never expressed his feelings until his death.

But, now...what's the situation?

Finally looked around.

She was shocked to find that although she was not resurrected in the true sense.

However, there doesn't seem to be much restriction in this way.

It's just that... Ping seems to have aged a lot.

And Morax is still so handsome!



Hey...are they the Thor sisters over there?

And who is that?

A short man with silver hair...

There is also the pressure of the devil on him.

Is he the god of Sumeru?

It has a strong scent of grass element.

Don't wait until you finally speak.

A golden light will finally wrap it up, and the two people will disappear directly.

Obviously Zhongli didn't want to talk in public.

Su Han winked at Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun and others and said, "It seems...our old refrigerator is not as cold as imagined."

"Pfft... You know how to arrange for others! Okay... everyone, come and have dinner, today is a big day..."

Happy atmosphere.

More enthusiastic.

Although Su Han didn't drink.

But he took the juice and drank cup after cup with everyone.

It is worth mentioning that.

Arturia and the others drank too much.

Because today's celebration was specially prepared by Xiangling.

So, it was a very delicious big banquet.

Keli held a pot of chicken popcorn and ate it non-stop.

Su Han said to Lisa: "It seems... there is no news about Keli's mother yet. The other party's active borders are not among the five countries."

"Hmm... It should be Fontaine... Judging from this, with her fear of the Winter Kingdom, she will definitely not go there. Maybe...

What will Mona find there?

However, it is not easy to find this witch.

As the elder of the Witches.

Alice’s strength and character.

It’s very troublesome...”


That's not a good word.

5.4 "By the way... when do you plan to go to Fontaine? Or... let your subordinates handle it!"

Aini sat next to him holding a pot of strong wine.

There was a questioning look on his face.

There is this Throne of Heroes.

He can be said to have the strongest combat power in all of Teyvat.

If you take the opportunity to conquer the world.

Only one command is needed.

She was even thinking.

If the world is unified.

Will the entire Teyvat counterattack outside the World Tree?

You can't, you should always be violated.

At least in her understanding.

Su Han is not a person who likes to suffer losses and get beaten.

"In this case... let Mona go explore, I'm too lazy to go there... The people in Fontaine are very arrogant, and there won't be any good results in the past.

That's probably it..."

He has a lot going on every day now.

Naturally, I have no intention of going to Fontaine.

Chapter 726 Zhongli and the final love, with the help of Yue Lao Su Han

On the cliff of Guiliyuan.

Although it is night.

But the place is brightly lit.

After all, he was brought here by Zhongli. Looking at the prosperous city in the distance, he couldn't help but be surprised: "Wow...does our city still exist?

However, it feels so small.

Not as grand as the place just now.

And...what's that on the ground? It seems to be some transportation tracks. "

The technical devil is the technical devil.

You can see the purpose of the rails at a glance.

Zhongli smiled and said: "That's a railway track...a means of transportation called high-speed rail. As for Guiliyuan...it was originally dilapidated.

It rained heavily.

Plus the floods are coming.

And Ocell, the vortex demon.

I have no choice but to move the people to Liyue Port.

And this place has been abandoned for hundreds of years.

It was only in recent months that Su Han restored it..."

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