"So, why did you bring me here? All the shadows of the past have disappeared... There is no memory at all.

And, what you want to say to me.

Is this the only thing? "

Facing the aggressive look in the eyes of the Demon God of Dust.

12 I don’t know why.

Zhongli was always calm.

Suddenly, I didn’t know what to say.

At this time, in the Zhutian mission group.

News from Su Han came.

The other party gave him a slap in the face.

And it comes with a sentence.

"Don't lose because you can't express it... As long as you let the other person know what you mean! By the way... I put a gift in your pocket, take it out and show it to the other person."

Zhongli reached into his pocket.

I don't know when a glass lily was stuffed inside.

The original and aggressive ending.

When looking at that gift.

Suddenly, all the energy was gone.

"You guy... you have learned how to coax women. Where did you learn it..."

"No... I just thought you liked it, so I kept it on. I'll put it on for you..."


Finally with a smile on his face.

Zhongli pinned the glazed lily to the opponent's hair.

This is the finest jewelry made from spiritual stones.

It looks like a glass lily.

It's actually a hairpin.

Two people are sitting on the top of the mountain.

Look at the lights in the distance.

Suddenly, Gui Jing asked: "How long have I been dead?"

"It's been thousands of years..."

Zhongli's vision began to become blurry.

Then he felt a small hand beside him, and the other person touched him.

Then the two people held each other's hands.

Suddenly, he finally smiled.

“Originally, I wanted you to unlock the locks of the world, and there was my affectionate confession in it, but it turned out that you didn’t open it for a thousand years, and the technology inside it didn’t open.

You haven't used it either? "

"As for that... I always feel that after it is broken, I will miss you even less..."

Actually, he was after that.

A move that has been used all the time.

They all look like earthly locks.

After all, we don’t know this.

However, Su Han could see through Zhongli's heart.

One is not good at words.

An inarticulate god.

In fact, just look at what he does.

Turn all your moves into earthly locks.

How could he not care about the end in his heart?

In the end, his eyes became blurred, and then there was a trace of tears in the corners of his eyes.

If he could have said this at the beginning.

How could he sacrifice himself?

I just feel in my heart that I am not important to him, maybe to protect his beloved things.

Maybe that's right.

But who knows... He is just not good at expressing himself, thinking that he is just choosing his own path.

"They are all idiots..."

Finally, he said with a choked voice.

Zhongli, on the other hand, held the other person's hand instead, saying nothing.

He didn't want to continue to regret it in the future.

"Recalling the moment when I met Su Han, it seemed that everything's fate was destined... I was thinking at that time.

It would be great if there was a chance to resurrect you.

Therefore, I gave Su Han as Liyue’s national treasure.

I hope he can keep moving forward.

Until I can revive you.

A few months later, he did something.

That is to resurrect Fushe.

Do you know how happy I feel inside... one day... one day..."

Rain falls from the sky.

And glazed lilies bloomed under their feet.

After all, I can't feel the existence of power.

However, Zhongli understood.

This is Su Han's assist.

It was really hard for him.

Everything seems to be back to that day again.

Finally, he suddenly asked: "Is there any wine? I suddenly want to take a sip..."

"Osmanthus wine...I've been drinking it for thousands of years."


No side dishes are needed for two people.

Thousands of years of wind and rain.

It is the most beautiful delicacy.

In the rain.

No one can see the two demon gods sitting on the top of the mountain.

Accompanied by fine wine.

The atmosphere between the two became increasingly ambiguous.

But sit together and hold hands.

This is the best that Zhongli's old refrigerator can do.

I want to be close to everything again.

I'm afraid it will be difficult.

In heaven.

Su Han looked at the two people in the picture.

A smile appeared.

"Don't let me down... let it rain for you, and let Nacida bloom flowers for you... Don't let down the beauty, after all...

Separated for so long.

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