I would be so disappointed if we couldn't be together. "

The words fell.

He turned off the monitoring.

It’s better not to watch this kind of satellite surveillance for too long.

Otherwise, Zhongli, the old refrigerator, might get angry and destroy the only satellite he had just made.

Next to them, Lisa and Artoria covered their mouths and smiled.

Su Han is really qualified this month.

Shen He leaned on his side and said with a smile: "Lovers finally get married...that is the real perfect ending."

"Hmph... If I don't die after all, he won't lock me underground."

Heulia held a piece of yogurt ice cream.

He said angrily.

At this time, Pandora said: "If it weren't for Zhongli's seal, you wouldn't be able to meet your lover... just think of it as your strength.

Anyone I can pick out at random is better than you. "


Heulia wanted to refute.

However, she couldn't do it.

The Scarlet King.

But what about the former overlord?

She is the Salt Demon God who is bullied everywhere.

After all, the strength is down by more than one level.

He looked at Heulia who was almost angry and crying.

Su Han quickly comforted: "Okay... don't bully Yaya. It's not like you don't know that she is weak..."

"Hmph.. A weak chicken is a weak chicken."

Pandora took a pot of wine and looked for Beidou in the distance.

It's still fun to drink wine.

inside these people.

Only Aini and Beidou are in line with his thoughts.

Everyone else is a little less interesting.

Especially Su Han.

He is so strong, but his fighting ability is weak.

It's simply embarrassing.

Chapter 727 The refresh of the special area, the very special Ten Thousand Years Immortal Lotus Blessed Land

While everyone is happy.

Su Han also opened the All Heavens mission group.

This special offer has been refreshed.

If you don't receive it.

It will disappear in a few days.

So, he wanted to see what this special offer was.

Although you need to accumulate points.

But you still have to buy the special offer.

With the opening of the chat group.

What caught his eye was a very good treasure.

And it’s an unexpected treasure.

[Name]: Jiuhua Tianchi Lotus Root Immortal Land

[Original price]: Five million points

[Discount]: 10% off

[Current price]: 500,000 points

[Introduction]: This treasure is a secret realm belonging to a certain immortal. Later, the immortal participated in the war and was eventually directly destroyed by the enemy.

The Jiuhua Tianchi Lotus Root Immortal Land is wandering in a different space.

It has been sleeping for tens of thousands of years, and was finally accepted by this chat group

It's a very good treasure

[Efficacy]: Jiuhua Tianchi Lotus Root Immortal Land is a very suitable space for cultivating medicine. It not only has a spiritual energy pool that can never be exhausted.

There is also a large amount of fairy lotus root

This is a spiritual treasure and can also be used as a spiritual medicine

Even if you take it directly, you can get a huge amount of spiritual energy.

At the same time, fairy lotus root is also the most suitable treasure for shaping the body.

The older the fairy lotus root is, the better the effect will be.

[Tip]: Jiuhua Tianchi Lotus Root Immortal Land has been sleeping for tens of thousands of years, and a large number of the immortal lotus roots have matured. Currently, there are thirteen pieces of Jiuyao Immortal Lotus Root with ten thousand year quality.

The number of thousand-year-old fairy lotus roots is 8,000.

The century-old quality quantity is 3 million pieces.

[Remarks]: Only thousand-year-old quality fairy lotus roots can shape the body. Otherwise, the body will be in a very unstable state and easily destroyed.

Also afraid of various fire attributes

The immortal lotus root from thousands of years ago can avoid this situation

At the same time, it can also provide the molded body with spiritual roots of wood spirit attributes.

This is the innate spiritual root, which can naturally use the wood attribute without affecting the cultivation of other attributes.

[Efficacy]: Once the Jiuhua Tianchi Lotus Root Immortal Land is placed, it cannot be moved. If the secret realm is to be manifested, a place full of spiritual energy is needed.

At the same time, if the spiritual energy is enough

The growth of fairy lotus root will shorten a lot of time

At the same time, the fairy lotus root will also become a spirit, if the host is willing

Immortal lotus root can give birth to a guardian

Its strength is ten thousand years of immortal lotus root, and its birth is the strength of the immortal product.

[Special]: Immortal Lotus Root Essence with immortal quality can have a very powerful auxiliary effect, can catalyze various plants, and use various wood spells at the same time.

[Note]: If Jiuhua Tianchi Lotus Root Immortal Land chooses to become a secret realm, you can adjust the time flow rate, the fastest is ten times, and if you want to catalyze the Immortal Lotus Root

A lot of spiritual stones are needed

Otherwise, excessive ripening will lead to the collapse of the secret realm

[Reminder]: Tens of thousands of spiritual stones are needed to speed up the process by a hundred years.

[Countdown]: Three days, twelve hours and forty-six minutes

Watch the birth of a treasure.

Su Han immediately redeemed it without thinking.

Instead, it’s about the use of treasures.

Need to discuss it with others.

Ningguang next to him asked: "I think it would be good to place the Jiuhua Tianchi Lotus Root Immortal Land directly in the heaven. Choose a place.

At the same time, there is no need to worry about the aura.

The aura of heaven is enough to support the other party to give birth to immortal lotus root. "

"I think the same way. Firstly...the current heaven is extremely desolate, and secondly...it can be used to embellish this place!"

"I also think it's good for Immortal Lotus Root to be in the heaven. Look at the current heaven...large areas are empty, and...

There is no vegetation present at all.

Even those spiritual herbs are not enough to see. "

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