Yingmei closed her eyes.

Enter into practice.

At this time, under the roof of the building, there were stars.

Soft glow.

Shine down.

Although it is starlight, it is completely the same as daylight.

This is the power of heaven.

"Is beef jerky delicious?"

"Well, it seems to be a brand new flavor. It's not cumin...and it's not spicy. It has a very good taste."

"So, what should I call you? Time Demon... or... Time Herrscher?"

Su Han poured Paimon a glass of juice.

After the latter took over, he said speechlessly: "I'm not that kind of thing..."

"then who are you?"

"Aren't you omniscient and omnipotent?"

Paimon suddenly asked back.

Su Han shook his head and said: "Even if you are omniscient, there will be parts that you don't know. I know that you are very special. You also have your own plans when you follow Ying.

But not a bad person.

When I found you, it was actually my order.

Your perception of time and space is amazing.

Nor is it a smaller version of heavenly principles.

So, I thought about the history of Teyvat.

Thousand Winds Temple.

Temple of Time.

Time reigns...

In the end, I still can't determine your identity, but... your identity is even more confusing... Just now you gave me time to delete it.

Paimon.. we are friends too.

The kind you can talk to.

Are you still prepared to hide your identity? "

Facing Su Han's sincere expression.

Paimon became a little at a loss.

· ··Asking for flowers····· ····

After a long time, she suddenly took a deep breath.

"Okay... Actually, my identity is not that special. As you can see, I... am older than Zhongli.

Even when I was born.

Zhongli doesn't exist yet.

Time is my ability.

So are the stars. "

Paimon said as he tried to demonstrate his power.

But it's a pity.

Her power dissipates just as it gathers.

And the power of time cannot be demonstrated at all.


Su Han looked at the newly condensed starlight and it was instantly shattered.

He couldn't help but frowned.

Paimon shook his head and said: "Not at all... If he was injured, he should have recovered a long time ago, but I have been sleeping for so long...

......... ........ ...

No strength was regained at all. "

Her expression was extremely dejected.

He seemed confused for a long time.

Su Han asked: "Did you hurt the source? Or...you lost your memory..."

"I really forgot what happened. In short... I did a great thing, and then... I vaguely remember that I was discussing something with a group of people.

In short, it's probably just like what you said...

It probably hurt the origin.

Therefore, now the fighting ability is not as good as that of a Qiuqiu person... Moreover, you are wrong about one thing. I am different from Deinsreib.

The other party was Sora who met by chance.

And I was waiting for this little guy to appear. Originally, I wanted to guide him to adventure in Teyvat.

By the way, let's see how I can restore my original strength.

However, who knew I would meet a pervert like you. "

Talk about your plans.

Paimon didn't hide anything either.

Everything was said.

Su Han nodded and said, "Then do you still remember what temple or record you have?"

"No...not at all. When Ying and I went on the adventure, Heguan...Yuanxia Palace went there, and there was no information about me at all.

So angry...

It's like emergency food for me right now. "

Paimeng stamped his feet angrily.

Su Han couldn't help but laugh.

It seems that she is also working hard to regain her strength.

"By the way, will those pills be useful if you take them?"

"It's completely useless. The medicines you gave me are all very good things, but it's a pity..."

Paimon couldn't help but sigh as he ate the beef jerky.

Chapter 735 The extremely scared Paimon found the Temple of Time

"To put it simply... after I took the elixir, my body was like a whirlpool, and there was no movement at all! I also want to understand

In the end what happened.

However, regardless of the method of cultivation.

Or whatever...it doesn't work for me.

Su Han...you said me...you said I'm broken..."

Paimon was very scared.

The little hands directly grabbed the other person's arm.

Concern was written on his face.

It's okay if you don't want to.

The more she thought about it, the more frightened she became.

Now I am like a group favorite.

There are all kinds of delicious food and drinks every day.

If he died suddenly one day, then... what a terrible thing it would be.

Paimon didn't know why.

My heart was already wrapped in terror.

Look at her confused look.

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