Su Han quickly put his palm on the other person's head and said comfortingly: "Don't be afraid of "983"... I have everything under my control! And... I will always investigate the truth."


Just continue to be my group pet. "

"Really? Are you... aren't you afraid that I am an unstable factor? If one day... I suddenly regain my memory or something.

It is possible that they will turn against each other. "

Paimon was no longer afraid though.

However, the tone was still a little unfirm.

Su Han said softly: "You have forgotten... I still have the power of time, even if you disappear. I will reverse time and space and rescue you from the darkness..."

"However, it takes a long, long time to comprehend that kind of power. Although I don't know why I have such a concept, my heart, I have such an idea.

If you grow according to your strength, you may not realize it for at least a hundred years.

Unless there is a lot of merit to speed you up..."

Paimon said with some frustration.

However, when thinking about merit.

She suddenly thought of something.



"Su Han, there is something that can lead to clues related to me."

"You mean..."

He came to his senses.

Paimon chuckled and said: "A compass that doesn't know how to guide...Have you forgotten? Just use merit to speed up the cooling a little bit..."

"In that case, let's set off."


"Anything else?"

Su Han looked at the hesitant little guy.

It feels like the other person has a lot of extra things to do today.

Not at all as free and easy as usual.

"Um...can you please not tell others, I'm afraid they will misunderstand me...especially Ying...I have always been her best friend.

If she knew I was lying...

I'm really embarrassed. "

Paimon didn't want Yingmei to know.

The two of them are just like sisters on weekdays.

Talk about anything.

It's just a matter of life experience.

Paimon chose to hide it.

Su Han nodded and said, "Okay... let's go!"

"Yeah. Let's go... let's go..."

Hearing will not reveal the secret.

Paimon finally breathed a sigh of relief.

if not.

If he saw Yingmei's distrustful eyes, he would be really sad to death.

To maintain confidentiality.

Su Han only told Yae Shenzi about the matter, and the other party said something in his reply.

"I knew this little guy wouldn't grow up...Forget it, you go out...Remember to come back early tomorrow, there are still tasks to do!"


Out of heaven.

Su Han directly took out a compass that didn't know how to guide.

Use merit catalytic cooling.

Then he recited it silently in his heart.

"Guide me to the location of Paimon's temple!"


The pointer changes direction instantly.

Su Han glanced at it and saw that it was in Mond's direction.


My guess was not wrong.

It's off the coast of Mondstadt.

He put Paimon on his shoulders and flew directly into the air towards Mondstadt.

That's ten minutes.

We arrived in Mondstadt.

The pointer is still pointing toward the distance.

He continued flying and had already surpassed the Thousand Winds Temple.

The hands haven't stopped yet.

It’s almost another 500 kilometers to go.

The hands finally stopped.

"Is it here? But here there is only the vast sea..."

"It's the bottom of the sea!"

Su Han glanced at the pointer.

The target points directly downward.

Paimon looked at the vast sea and asked doubtfully: "You mean...things related to me are at the bottom of the sea? But... here.

It's Wendy's territory.

Doesn't he know? "

This is Mondstadt after all.

As the ruling god of the wind attribute.

It's impossible for the other party not to know.

Su Han shook his head and said: "You guessed two things wrong... First, you have existed longer than Wendy, and second... if there is time to seal that temple...

No one will notice.

Come on, the mystery of your life experience is coming. "

"Wait a minute... let me calm down, I'm a little excited... Huh... Huh..."

Paimon closed his eyes.

Take a dozen deep breaths.

Then she said to Su Han: "I'm ready... let's go!"


The two people flew directly towards the bottom of the sea.

Under the sea.

Nothing at all.

In the blue, except for the fish, shrimp and coral groups.

Nothing at all.

However, in the eyes of Su Han and Paimon, they felt abnormal energy nearby.

"This feeling is...the energy of time?"

"Yes! It's probably the self-protection mechanism of the temple... Let me tear it open. If not... then you can only wait until I master the fifth level of the time domain."

"Yeah...come on!"

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